

The Human Rights Implementation Centre has published a series of podcasts examining whether and how state authorities implement human rights recommendations and reparations adopted by regional and international treaty bodies.

Treaty Bodies and Treaty Body Monitoring
This is a list of links to information on implementation with respect to supranational bodies, those key civil society organisations working on implementation, as well as databases that have been produced to gather measures on implementation of decisions and judgments.

Implementation of Decisions (PDF, 541kB) 

With Redress, the HRIC produced a Practice Note for those litigating before supranational human rights bodies. This Practice Note provides guidance on how to facilitate the implementation of their decisions and judgments. It includes advice and examples on not only legal strategy and how to ensure victims’ involvement, but also on working with local communities, communications, and advocacy. Suggestions are also provided on staffing and fundraising for these activities in an organisation. While the guidance in primarily for those engaging in regional or international litigation, it is also relevant for cases before national courts relating to torture.


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