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Mr John Hargreaves

Mr John Hargreaves

Mr John Hargreaves
B.A. Hons (Manc.), M.Sc.(Bristol)

Subject Librarian

Area of research

I work part-time with the JISC Digital Media team. I come with a library background, having spent some time working on the NOF digitisation programme. My work contributes to the provision by JISC Digital Media of support and advice in the areas of: copyright and digital rights management, image metadata, digital preservation and digitisation project management.

Arts and Social Sciences Library,
Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TJ
(See a map)

Alt. +44 (0) 117 39 41272
Alt. +44 (0) 117 954 5398
Tel. +44 (0) 117 928 7947

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