Links for additional Statistical Software Packages

This page contains web addresses for downloads and information about third party software with which Stat-JR can inter-operate. These are optional (i.e. Stat-JR will run without them, albeit with reduced interoperability options), in contrast to the C++ compiler (download and installation details for which are here) which is required.

Telling Stat-JR where to find your copy of the software packages

In order for Stat-JR to link with these packages, it needs to know where the executable for the package can be found. A list of the executables' locations is stored in a file called settings.cfg saved in the .statjr folder under your username.

Default paths are specified in the settings.cfg file, but if these are not appropriate you can either change them directly (i.e. by editing the file in a text editor), or do so via Settings which you can access via the black bar at the top of the TREE interface.

Statistical software that can be used for interoperability

Below you will find a list of software packages for which there exists some interoperability with Stat-JR: i.e. some templates can use the estimation and/or graphing functionality of these packages if they are present on your machine. These packages are a mixture of open source and freely-available software which can be downloaded immediately, commercial software that you will need to purchase and intermediate packages, like MLwiN, which are free to some users.


aML is a freely-available software package that is not so widely known but has a large model coverage. It can be downloaded from the aML website . The interoperability code requires calling three different aML executable files and so you will see three lines in the settings.cfg file. By default it is assumed the program has been installed to an aML subdirectory of the main Stat-JR directory.


For more details on the GenStat package, visit the GenStat website.


gretl is a "cross-platform software package for econometric analysis, written in the C programming language", and is freely-available open source software.


JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) is written by Martyn Plummer and is an open-source Bayesian estimation engine that can be downloaded from the JAGS download site. In the settings file you will see the path points to jags-terminal.exe which is located in the subdirectory i386/bin/ of the (version-specific) JAGS directory.


For more details on MATLAB, visit the MATLAB website.


Minitab is commercial software currently distributed by Minitab Inc. and details of how to order it are given in the Minitab website. In the settings file you will see it gives the full path which you will need to change to where it is installed on your system.


We at the Centre for Mulitlevel Modelling also produce MLwiN, and details of the package are given at the MLwiN webpage. MLwiN is free to UK academics but there is a one-off charge to non-UK academics and non-academics.


For more details on Octave, visit the Octave website.


OpenBUGS is another Bayesian estimation programme produced by a team based at the MRC Biostatistics unit in Cambridge. In the settings file you will see that the path points to OpenBUGS.exe within the (version-specific) OpenBUGS directory. For more details see the OpenBUGS website.


R is an open source software package which has a huge range of statistical functionality and contains lots of user-written packages. For introductory details on R and download instructions go to the R website. In the settings file the path ponts to bin/i386/R.exe in the (version-specific) R directory.


Sabre is freely-available statistical software developed by researchers at the University of Lancaster for specific model classes and it can be downloaded from the Sabre webpage. In the settings file you will see it gives the full path which you will need to change to where it is installed on your system.


SAS is commercial software currently distributed by the SAS Institute Inc. and details of how to order it are given on the SAS website. In the settings file you will see it gives the full path which you will need to change to where it is installed on your system.


SPSS is commercial software currently distributed by IBM and details of how to order it are given on the IBM SPSS webpage. In the settings file you will see it gives the full path which you will need to change to where it is installed on your system.


Stata is commercial software produced by the Stata corporation and details of how to order it are given on the Stata website. In the settings file you will see it gives the full path which you will need to change to where it is installed on your system.


WinBUGS is a freely-available Bayesian estimation programme produced by the same team as OpenBUGS; it can be downloaded from the WinBUGS website.

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