Postgraduate profile: Sarah Eibenschutz

What attracted you to the CDT?

I was attracted to the TECS CDT because I was keen to try out different areas of research before committing to one research area for my project.


Which part of the TATE programme did you enjoy the most?

I really enjoyed the brainstorming sessions for the project proposals. I found it a fun exercise in thinking outside the box and pleasing when I could use my current chemical knowledge to propose plausible approaches to a project idea.


How will you use the skills you have learnt during TATE in your research project?

I am hoping to use the skills I have gained in DoE on my project. I also will be using computational chemistry to aid my lab work.


What advice would you give any incoming students?

I would definitely recommend doing rotations in labs that do research in areas you have not had any experience in previously. By doing this I have found a project I love that is in an area of chemistry I didn't even know existed!


In one sentense, please describe how you feel about your time on the CDT so far.

Lots of fun and intellectually stimulating!


Sarah Eibenschutz, 2021 Cohort
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