Here on the Waters!

CHOMBEC (Centre for the History of Music in Britain, the Empire and the Commonwealth)

Here on the Waters!

Here on the Waters! is an English version of a madrigal by Italian composer Antonio Lotti (1666-1740). It was adapted by Robert Lucas Pearsall for the Bristol Madrigal Society in May 1839. The Clifton-born Pearsall (1795-1865) was living in Germany at the time, but had been one of the founding members of the Bristol Madrigal Society and regularly wrote music for it. In his accompanying letter, Pearsall explains that the madrigal had been sung every year on Ascension Day on the Bucentaur, the Venetian state galley, in the presence of the Doge on the occasion of the symbolic marriage of Venice and the sea.

  • Item reference: DM2114, Bristol Madrigal Society Archive
  • Photographer: Jamie Carstairs
  • Copyright: University of Bristol
  • This image is licensed for some educational use only. Users must abide by these terms and conditions.