BDFI published reports

Here you can find BDFI published reports. This includes our annual impact report and any reports we've made with our partners.


'Post' pandemic hybrid futures report (PDF, 2,339kB). Our collaboration with Knowle West Media Centre looks at how our hybrid futures might be shaped. How can we ensure that questions of accessiblity and inclusion raised by doing things online are not lost in a rush to return to in-person ways of doing things?


Digital skills in the telecoms industry dashboardWe teamed up with TM Forum to investigate why there are entry level skills in the telecoms industry. This report illustrates the initial findings with graduates from several countries based on perceptions of the industry, graduate expectations and knowledge of the industry.

History of Bristol Gasworks (June 2022) (PDF, 6,560kB)‌. ‘Avon Street Gasworks and Bristol Gas Industry’ marks the start of a move into Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus for Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI) and examines the social and industrial history of their new buildings. Authored by Dr James Watts and Lena Ferriday at the University of Bristol.

BDFI-Impact-Report-2022 (PDF, 7,104kB)


BDFI Impact Report (PDF, 7,156kB)

Digital Divide Policy Paper (PDF, 4,929kB)‌ (August 2021), University of Bristol and Knowle West Media Centre.  Joint project looking at the survey results of 5000+ Knowle West residents during the Covid-19 lockdown period of May and June 2020.


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