The Report of the Colombian Truth Commission

3 November 2022, 7.00 PM - 3 November 2022, 8.30 PM

Alejandra Miller

M-Shed - The Event Suite

Colombia's Truth Commission collected over 14,000 testimonies and gathered data about what happened during the armed conflict over the past half-century. In June 2022 it released its report, making a series of recommendations for peace and coexistence in Colombia.

Alejandra Miller, esteemed educator and women’s rights activist, was one of the commissioners. We are delighted that she is able to come to Bristol to present the recently-published report. Colombia's Truth Commission was the first to put gender and gender-based violence at the centre of its analysis, and Alejandra held the responsibility for ensuring that gender was considered at all stages of the commission’s work. This included developing appropriate methodologies for collecting testimony from survivors of sexual violence and exploring crimes against LGBTQI+ individuals and communities.

Alejandra will talk about the research and the findings, and will answer questions from the audience and from a panel of experts including Mary Ryder of the University of Bristol and Andrei Gomez-Suarez of the University of Winchester.

This unique opportunity in the UK to hear directly from one of Colombia’s Truth Commissioners is brought to you by the Bringing Memories in from the Margins project at the University of Bristol, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The event will take place in the Event Suite at the MShed, a landmark museum on Bristol's historic harbourside.

The event is free. Please register your attendance via eventbrite here.

Alejandra Miller photo

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