Regulating resistance, resisting regulation: new regimes to tackle drug-resistant infections in European and Asian healthcare systems

A woman stands in a pharmacy

Pharmacy in China
Image credit: Melissa Cole (University of Bristol)

The growing awareness of antimicrobial resistance as a global threat to human health has created regulatory challenges as health systems attempt to limit the use of antimicrobials, especially antibiotics.

What is the problem?

This 12-month study, led by Prof Helen Lambert (Bristol Medical School), aims to better understand the social and systemic implications of regulation and the effects of regulatory change on the recording and reporting of official data used to assess the effects of such change.

Prof Lambert led a team comprising Dr. Adam Brisley (RA, social anthropologist) and Carla Rodrigues (RA, medical sociologist) to compare two diverse country settings using ethnographic case studies and secondary data analysis, and to look at regulatory processes and consequences combining ethnographic and qualitative evidence with measurement indicators used to evaluate effectiveness.

The aim of the study was to develop a research network and gather primary data to explore the potential for comparative research and support development of a larger collaborative grant proposal.

Approach and outcome

Throughout 2018 and 2019, the team, supported by an international group of collaborators with backgrounds ranging from global health law and social policy, to health services research and primary care undertook a project aimed at better understanding the regulatory challenges posed by AMR and the consequences of novel regulations on antibiotic use. 

Toward the end of the project, the Bristol team organised a one-day workshop and networking event to bring together a small group of researchers working on AMR and antibiotic use in diverse settings, in order to discuss initial findings and potential frameworks for understanding the regulation of antibiotic resistance, share fieldwork insights and experiences, and consider potential research and collaboration opportunities.

A summary of that event is available here: Regulating Resistance, Resisting Regulation - Workshop Summary (PDF, 144kB) 

Researchers involved

  • Prof Helen Lambert (Bristol Medical School)
  • Dr Adam Brisley (Bristol Medical School)
  • Carla Rodrigues (Bristol Medical School)


Wellcome Trust Seed Award 


Prof Helen Lambert 
Tel: +44 (0)117 92 87238

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