All changes must be approved at School and Faculty level with some changes requiring University level approval.
New Programmes and High-Risk Major Changes to Existing Programmes (University level approval)
Optimal dates for new programmes starting in 26/27
29th October 2024(UG) /20th February 2025 (PGT) – Business Case
28th March/9th May (final for UG) /1st August 2025 – Academic Case
Existing Programme and Unit Changes deemed low risk (Faculty level approval)
30 April - All programme and unit changes must be fully approved by the end of April in the year before the change is to take place (e.g. April 2025 for changes to the 25/26 academic year)
14 March – Annual unit updates (changes to availability, teaching-block, director) must be in UPMS before the Timetabling Web Data Collection commences.
Please see the Faculty and University Committee Dates here.
Changes to Programmes and Units after April deadline (Faculty level approval)
If unit changes are proposed as a result of staff or student feedback at the end of TB2, or exceptionally if changes to a programme are proposed (e.g. after annual programme review) schools should seek the advice of their Faculty Education Director and, if they agree, the fast-track programme approval process will be applied, with a deadline of 31st July. Such late changes should only be undertaken in exceptional circumstances and any changes to the programme structure which affect the availability of mandatory units, or revisions to programme learning outcomes would not normally be permitted after the April deadline.
Programme Withdrawals (University level approval)
January – for any undergraduate programme withdrawals from the next UCAS cycle, must be considered at the December AQSC and January UEC. E.g. UEC in January 2025 for removal from 25/26 UCAS cycle, entry in September 2026.
May - For programmes entering the next PG admissions cycle the final meeting that AQSC will consider programme withdrawals is its May meeting, reporting to the June UEC. Programme withdrawals must be approved by the School and Faculty before going to AQSC and UEC for approval. E.g. AQSC in May 2025 for removal from 25/26 admissions cycle, entry in September 2026.
Consumer protection legislation has implications for all programme changes. Please contact us to discuss implications of changing/withdrawing programmes.