Student Trustees

The Board of Trustees includes two Student Trustees.

  • Xenia Levantis Student Trustee
    Current post-holder: Ms Xenia Levantis (she/her)

    First appointed: 1 July 2023

    Current term of office ends: 30 June 2025


    Xenia Levantis is a postgraduate student in the School for Policy studies, where she is completing a PhD in Social Policy, funded by the ESRC. Her research examines the use of knowledge in a higher education policymaking in England. Xenia is trustee of QAA and Academy Councillor for Snowdon Village schools. She is the former President of Norwich University of the Arts SU and a past member of the OfS student panel and Bristol SU trustee board. She graduated with an MSc in Public Policy from University of Bristol in 2022. Outside her studies, she is involved in various cooperative societies including Bristol Student Housing Cooperative.

    Xenia is also a member of the Equity, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Oversight Committee.
  • Helena Thornton Student Trustee
    Current post-holder: Miss Helena Thornton (she/her)

    First appointed: 1 July 2023

    Current term of office ends: 30 June 2024


    Helena Thornton is a final year Psychology student with particular experience in youth affairs, education, mental health and disability inclusion. She has been active in student leadership during her time at the University, sitting on the committee for the SU Women’s Network in her first year and serving as Network Chair of the SU Disability and Accessibility Network 2021-22. She has been a Youth Ambassador for young people’s charity ‘The Mix’ for the past four years, sitting on committees to support their services, campaigns and partnerships. Helena’s interest in Higher Education has been fuelled by work in student roles across the University, including in the Digital Education Office, Careers Service and as an academic Research Assistant.

    Helena is also a member of the Honorary Degrees Committee.
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