Our progress towards the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
As beacons of collaboration and thriving communities for thousands of international students and staff, universities are an essential anchor in the struggle towards global sustainable development. This is no novelty for us here in Bristol. The University has long been committed to addressing the challenges of living and working sustainably, and making a positive contribution to our shared environment, whilst recognising the structural inequalities and colonial legacies that underpin our societies.
Our research remains at the forefront of tackling global issues like inequality, migration, poverty, and the health impacts of climate change that are pivotal to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Many of our staff have been involved not only in research framed through the SDGs, but also in advocating within and supporting the negotiations that led to them, and advancing their analysis and implementation. We are also acting locally, increasing the sustainability of our own organisation and driving civic collaborations, including through partnering with our city and region on the ground-breaking work that led to Bristol’s Voluntary Local Reviews and set up of the SDG City Alliance.

Delivering the UN SDGs has proved a significant challenge worldwide, especially in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, global conflicts, and geopolitical instability. In 2024, only 17% of 169 SDG targets are estimated to be on track, with nearly half showing only minimal or moderate progress, and over a third having stalled or even gone backward. Today, more than ever, we are committed to confronting this shortcoming with renewed resolve by emphasising the power of partnership to drive change globally.
The wealth of examples of how we have embraced the SDGs stands as a testimony to this resolve. These pages report on and highlight some of the action we have taken in 2022/23 through our research, our teaching and learning, our operational activities, and our partnerships with local and global communities. But there is still a long way to go, and a lot more to deliver. In this growing spirit of collaboration that grounds our global civic commitment, we look forward to working together, locally as one city and internationally as one planet, to deliver on a shared, sustainable future.
Professor Michele Acuto, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement)
Professor Palie Smart, Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Civic Engagement)