Dr Anna Bibby

Dr Anna Bibby is a Consultant Respiratory Physician at North Bristol NHS Trust and Senior Lecturer at the University of Bristol.
She leads the Lung Cancer Service in North Bristol and is Clinical Director for the regional Targeted Lung Health Check Programme.
Her research interests focus on lung cancer and mesothelioma, including lung cancer screening, biomarkers, pragmatic clinical trials and the use of routine data in research. She has experience in qualitative research methods, complex intervention development and evaluation, and trials within cohorts.  She is Chief Investigator for the multi-centre, longitudinal ASSESS-meso cohort study, and Work Package Lead for the £5M PREDICT-meso study. She has been awarded >15.5M as primary or co-applicant, from funders including NIHR, Cancer Research UK, the British Lung Foundation and Mesothelioma UK.
She led the 2018 European Respiratory Society Taskforce on Malignant Pleural Disease and collaborated on the 2022 British Thoracic Society Pleural Disease Guidelines. She is Deputy Chair of Mesothelioma UK's Research and Audit Committee and sits on the Steering Committee for the British Lung Foundation's Mesothelioma Research Network and the University of Sheffield's Mesothelioma Research Centre.

Consultant Respiratory Physician & Senior Research Fellow

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