Public Engagement

Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Group.

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The Diabetes & Metabolism group does not just involve people as Research/Trial participants. We are also committed to involving people in every stage of a research project’s journey from the development of an idea, through to the sharing of the project’s findings. We feel strongly that consistent involvement and engagement with people from all walks of life will shape our research and result in high quality focused projects that are relevant to participants.

Who is this opportunity for?

People diagnosed or have experience of type 1 diabetes services or people with an interest in improving type 1 diabetes healthcare in the NHS through research. 

What does involvement entail?

PPIE involvement and engagement meetings will be held twice a year, with further opportunities in-between, as required. These meetings will usually involve: informal discussions with researchers about their project ideas, helping to review research summaries, and giving the general “lived experience” perspective and advice to our research staff and clinicians.


The dates and times of all the meetings will be agreed well in advance and we will endeavour to give as much notice as we can. Timings will be varied and flexible to accommodate the group.


The meetings will be available virtually (usually via Microsoft Teams) or held in the Learning and Research building at Southmead Hospital.

Learning and Research building

Associated travel and parking expenses will be reimbursed by completion of this form: Non Staff Expenses form

If you are interested in being involved in our PPIE group, or would just like some more information please email

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