Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Pregnancy Study

The CGM study aims to find out what normally glucose levels are in pregnancy at different trimesters from early through to late. This will be done by using a continuous glucose monitor, which continuously monitors a woman’s glucose levels for 7 days at 20, 28 and 34-37 weeks of pregnancy. We will also compare the finding from the glucose monitor to the results from a routine screening test for gestational diabetes and birth outcomes such as rates of large babies, Caesarean section rates to investigate better ways to diagnose Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM.)


Aim & objectives 

  • Assess normal glucose levels in pregnancy through the trimesters

a) To assess differences between CGM glucose variables at 20, 24-28 and 32-37 weeks gestation of pregnancy.

b) Estimate the association between CGM glucose variables and Large for gestational age  - LGA > 90th birth weight centile) in pregnant women with or without GDM.

c) Estimate the association between the summary glucose variables

Research Setting 

a) Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT). Birth rate of approximately 6,000 per annum.

b) Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Birth rate of approximately 5,500 per annum

Target Population

Primiparous and multiparous women aged 16 years or over, with singleton or multiple pregnancies booked for delivery at Southmead or Bradford hospital

Exclusion criteria

  • Established diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, or monogenic forms of diabetes
  • Age less than 16 years;
  • Unable or unwilling to provide informed consent to participate

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