Views of the future campus

Explore the designs and architecture of the new campus and see what it will look like.

Images of the main academic building, opening 2026

Architect's images show the designs of the main building at Temple Quarter. Currently under construction, this 38,000m2 building will be a new home for collaboration and innovation.

A large glass-fronted building surrounded by greenery.
The main academic building surrounded by a restored Totterdown Basin. Image credit: FCBStudios
People walking in a public square in front of a large glass fronted building.
University Square leading to the main academic building. Image credit: FCBStudios
People sitting in a meeting space inside a glass atrium.
The Exchange Hall is publicly accessible - a large space for staff, students, partners and the public to meet and enjoy. Image credit: FCBStudios
A colourful room with mixed seating areas and people working on laptops.
Bristol Rooms - a dedicated space for civic engagement, co-working and project space. Image credit: FCBStudios
People in sitting around a large white table with stools around. Tools and machinery are on the table and around the room.
The Maker Space - an ideation and creative space to generate and model early ideas and concepts, supporting design thinking and outreach activities. Image credit: FCBStudios

Designs and architecture

The new Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus (TQEC) will provide an exceptional environment for learning, research and innovation.

It will be a porous campus, welcoming people and encouraging movement through. It sits between the historic Bristol Temple Meads Station and the floating harbour. Enhanced walking and cycling routes will improve connectivity in the area.

Existing facilities in Temple Quarter

Find out more about the existing operational University facilities in Temple Quarter.

A colourful shared office space.
Engine Shed - the University's pioneering resident at Temple Quarter. A home for innovation since 2013, Engine Shed offers space, membership, training and events that fuel a thriving ecosystem in the West of England. Image credit: Nick Smith
A large open plan room with a sofa and table arranged in the middle.
The Neutral Lab at the Bristol Digital Futures Institute on Avon Street. A fully flexible and reconfigurable environment that empowers interdisciplinary, cross-sector project teams. MyWorld will join BDFI at neighbouring facilities shortly, with the building set to fully open in 2024.
3 student dentists administering dental care to dummies in a large high-tech dental facility.
Bristol Dental School moved to Avon Street in September 2023. Student dentists in new, state-of-the-art facilities are providing much needed dental services to the city and region. Image credit: Nick Smith
A row of colourful shipping containers.
Barton Hill Micro-campus opened in 2020 and is a partnership project with the Wellspring Settlement, acting as a conduit between the University and the local community.
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