A campus for Bristol

We’re building our future alongside the communities who share our city.

A welcoming place

The new campus will provide more opportunities to connect with Bristol. With an active programme of events and activities, local people will be welcomed to use the space. 

Many of the facilities have been designed in consultation with our civic and community partners and will foster collaboration on shared challenges for the city-region. The Exchange Hall will be publicly accessible and include a café and meeting spaces. Dedicated spaces for community engagement include:

  • the Bristol Rooms – a co-working and project space
  • the Story Exchange – a circular seating area designed to bring together expertise and experiences from a wide range of communities.

Public art

Public art will welcome people to the new campus and create a sense of place where people feel welcomed. TQEC will be home to three public art commissions and there will be opportunities to get involved in a range of art activities throughout the development.

Our first commission, Charting Change, will seek to engage people with the potential of TQEC and has a strong focus on citywide engagement, discussion and dialogue. We are excited to start working with the lead artist and will share further opportunities for engagement shortly.

The public realm will be a shared space for Bristol and a major artwork in the area will create a landmark for the new campus, contributing to the arrival experience and welcoming local and international visitors.

Wild Spaces is a commission that will focus on the waterfront and find new perspectives on Bristol's relationship with water. The University's commitment to sustainable futures is the backdrop to this commission and it will explore themes of living well and sharing better futures. An open call seeking an artist will be live soon.

Read more about public art at the new campus and the projects that have happened so far in the development.

Improving connections

The campus will be porous, welcoming people to it and those travelling through it. The new Eastern Entrance at Bristol Temple Meads will open directly onto University Square. The development will improve access for people travelling between South and East Bristol and the city centre. An extensive, regenerated landscape around the campus will add to the city’s green spaces.

Barton Hill Micro-campus

The micro-campus was set up by the Temple Quarter Engagement Fund in 2022 and is now managed by the University’s Global Engagement Division. It is a partnership with the Wellspring Settlement and provides a space for us to work with the local community.

The micro-campus delivers workshops, teaching, outreach and collaborative research. There is a programme of regular drop-in sessions at the micro-campus, including:

  • the Little Library,
  • free legal advice with the University of Bristol Law School,
  • coffee mornings.

For Bristol

Do you know about all the ways you can get involved with the University? Discover short courses, take part in public consultations, see the public art when you visit the campus, attend events and explore job vacancies.

A large glass-fronted building surrounded by greenery. Views of the future campus

Explore images of what the new campus will look like.

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