Full-scale facility

The Quantum Technologies Innovation Centre at Temple Quarter Enterprise Campus will provide an end-to-end capability for the engineering, design, integration, manufacture, and exploitation of cutting-edge quantum technologies.

The Centre will also provide access to a global network of quantum inspired engineers, scientists, venture capitalists, industrialists and entrepreneurs.

The core facilities will include:

  • Open innovation research and technology development laboratories with a rapid prototyping capability for quantum devices
  • An enterprise hub allowing for startup and early incubation of new businesses
  • Dedicated space for the co-location of industrial engineers and entrepreneurs with University researchers
  • A talent academy supporting the training of apprentice technicians through to PhD

Cutting-edge innovation labs for faster prototyping

The new innovation laboratories will house a state-of-the-art capability for fast loop prototyping through the development process.

  1. Conceptualisation: A quantum architectures, design and simulation suite will enable new quantum technology concepts to be created, modelled and ne-tuned.
  2. Turning product concepts into reality will be initiated in a series of labs which allow users to build real-world quantum devices, including quantum optics labs, systems integration labs, facilities for the characterisation of quantum devices and a quantum secure networks lab.
  3. Scale-up: a series of facilities will enable emerging quantum devices to be more fully finished and tested, including a development-scale rapid prototyping capability, a suite of laboratories for technology development, integration and packaging and access to a dedicated, city-wide quantum network for user trials.

The wider Campus will also provide complimentary engineering and design facilities such as e Design Factory and ready access to several broad application areas in, for example, healthcare technologies, the internet of things, cyber security, robotics and more.

Email us at qtic-info@bristol.ac.uk for general enquiries.

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