Application privacy notice


The University of Bristol ('University') uses this application to provide a service and facilitate its operations, and may collect and store personal information you submit to the University via this application. Please read the following privacy policy to understand how the University uses and protects the information that you provide via this application.

Applications provided by the University may involve the services of a third party, who may collect and store personal data for the purposes of providing the application. By submitting your personal information, you are consenting to the University holding and using it in accordance with this policy, and also to relevant third-party application providers collecting and holding it for the purpose of application service provision. The policy is subject to change and any changes to it in the future will be notified on this page. By continuing to use the applications you are agreeing to such changes. We recommend that you check the privacy policy regularly if making frequent use of relevant applications. The privacy policies of third parties involved in the provision of University applications will be available where relevant.

More information about how the University operates its websites, including the collection and processing of any personal data.

Policy contents

  1. Information that we collect from you and your use of this application
  2. How we use your information
  3. How we handle the data submitted by you
  4. Links to external websites
  5. Changes to our Privacy Policy
  6. How to contact us

1. Information that we collect from you and your use of this application

1.1 Information you give us

When you use this application you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself, including your name, contact details, study programme and other personal information. 

1.2 Automatic Information

We may automatically receive and save certain types of information whenever you interact with this application. We use the information to monitor application traffic and use, and to assist with the navigation and user experience of the application to assist with service provision. Information may also be collected by third parties who assist with the provision of the application (e.g. app developers and support). 

Information that we may automatically receive includes:

  • Requested URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
  • IP (Internet Protocol) address (this may or may not identify a specific computer)
  • Device details
  • Domain name from which you access the internet
  • Referring URL
  • Location data
  • Software (browser/operating system) used
  • Date and time pages were visited.

1.3 Cookies

We do not use cookies on the application. More about the University’s use of cookies elsewhere

2. How we use your information

We may use and analyse the information we collect so that we can manage and improve the services provided by the application. Demographic and statistical information about user behaviour may be collected and used to analyse the popularity and effectiveness of the application. Any disclosure of this information will be in aggregate form and will not identify individual users.

The University also uses services from Google on this application to measure and analyse visitor information. These services are Google Analytics and Firebase.

The University will not (nor will it allow any third party to) use the statistical analytics tools to track or to collect personally identifiable information of users of this application. The University will not associate any data gathered with any personally identifying information from any source as part of our use of the statistical analytics tools.

3. How we handle the data submitted by you

3.1 Data Protection Legislation

The University is the data controller for your personal data that it collects. As the data controller the University has notified its activities to the Information Commissioner’s Office as required under the GDPR and is listed in the Public Register of Data Controllers. Personal information will only be collected and/or processed by the University in accordance with the GDPR, the UK Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation. The University has appropriate contractual agreements in place with any third parties involved in the provision of applications to ensure that their processing of any user personal data is fully compliant with UK law.

3.2 Disclosure of your information

  • Except as set out in this policy or as required by law, your personal data will not be provided to any third party without your prior consent.
  • The information you provide to us will be held on our application developers’ AWS (Amazon Web Services) servers within the Ireland (EU-West-1) region. It may be accessed by or given to third parties some of whom may be located outside the European Economic Area who act for us for the purposes set out in this policy or for other purposes approved by you. Those parties process information and may provide support services to the University or on the University’s behalf.
  • Countries outside the European Economic Area do not always have strong data protection laws. However, we will always take appropriate steps to ensure that your information is used securely by third parties in accordance with this policy.

3.3 Monitoring use of University systems

In order to protect the security and working of University network and computer systems, it may be necessary to monitor or log the use this application. If there are indications of abuse of systems or that individuals may be using the application in an unauthorised manner, files, messages and any or all uses of the systems may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected and disclosed to authorised University and law enforcement personnel.

4. Links to external websites 

This application may contain links to websites that are outside the University’s control and are not covered by this privacy policy.

5. Changes to our Privacy Policy

We regularly review our Privacy Policy and updates will appear on this page. This policy was last updated on 3rd August 2020.

6. How to contact us

Should the information we hold about you be incorrect, you can change and update your personal information and you can have your information corrected by contacting us.

Where requested, we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you, by contacting us at the address below. We may require proof of your identity before supplying you with this information to ensure confidentiality.

We allow you to challenge the data we hold about you and where appropriate you may have the data erased, rectified, amended or completed. For complaints or questions about the privacy policy or general data protection questions, contact:

Data Protection Officer
University of Bristol
Beacon House
Queens Road
Bristol BS8 1QU, UK

It is also your right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you believe that the University has failed to comply with the requirements of data protection law. 

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