
Highly ranked

Our prestigious Law School ranks in the top 10 for the UK (Complete University Guide 2024).

Research quality

The University of Bristol is ranked third in the UK for excellence in legal research THE analysis of REF 2021.

Diverse opportunities

Our exciting range of optional units and practical experiences of law will equip you for a wide range of future careers.

Law at Bristol

Bristol is a leading centre for law in the UK. You will have access to and support from many international law firms, barristers' chambers and social justice organisations. You will learn from academic staff who are experts in law and policy. University of Bristol Law is ranked third for legal research in the UK (THE analysis of REF 2021), with 93% of our research assessed as world-leading or internationally excellent (REF 2021).

With the support of internationally-renowned scholars at the forefront of their research fields, you will develop excellent legal, analytical and reasoning skills. Activities such as mooting, debating and pro-bono legal provision will give you a broad understanding of the operation of law in society.

You will study in the iconic Wills Memorial Building and in our newly refurbished premises in Berkeley Square. This building is home to our Law Clinics, globally-renowned research centres, and state-of-the-art Lady Hale Moot Court.

Our dedicated network of alumni actively supports our students, with guest lectures, mentoring opportunities and more.

Find out how you can do more with law at the University of Bristol.

The facilities are what amaze me the most. The library is fascinating and the Wills Memorial Building could not be a better place to learn. The thing I love about the city is that it is always busy and alive - Bristol is never boring!

Rosie, LLB Law

Career prospects

A law library

Combining excellence in teaching, research and employability means our students graduate with excellent legal, analytical and reasoning skills - and are empowered to pursue careers in both legal and non-legal sectors.

Many graduates secure training contracts with City solicitors' firms and pupillages at barristers' chambers.

Others progress to prestigious careers in alternative sectors including business and finance, technology, government and the media.

Find out about careers support in the Law School.

Course structure

Three students with their laptops open smile while engaging in a conversation.

The undergraduate Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree takes three years, while degrees with study abroad take four.

You will study all the core compulsory subjects required by the legal profession, such as criminal, land and tort law. There is also a wide variety of optional units to choose from. These optional units reflect the variety of work and different approaches to legal research conducted in the school, including doctrinal, socio-legal, interdisciplinary and empirical research.

If you have opted for a degree with study abroad, you will spend your third year studying the law of the country you are visiting. To find out more about studying abroad, visit the Centre for Study Abroad.

In the final year, you can choose to complete either a 5,000-word research project or a 10,000-word dissertation on a legal topic of your choice.

Sample units may include topics such as:

  • Labour/employment law
  • Human rights
  • Health/medical law
  • Corporate/commercial law
  • Legal history
  • IT/IP law.

Global opportunities

Lots of people climbing the stairs up towards The Big Buddha statue in Hong Kong.

Law is a global profession. An understanding of more than one legal system, language and culture can open up a world of opportunity.

Our four-year degree courses are an expansion of LLB Law, with an additional year abroad at one of our partner universities. Currently, we partner with institutions in Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, Mexico and Colombia, as well as European countries such as Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

You can apply to transfer to our Study Abroad degree from LLB Law at the end of your first year.

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