Supporting students from forced migration backgrounds

The University of Bristol is committed to supporting students from forcibly displaced backgrounds. We have a support package to help you feel safe, supported, and able to reach your potential.

We are using the term “forced migration” to cover many backgrounds. We recognise that immigration status can change during your time here.  

Forced migration refers to the forcible movement of people. For example, those fleeing conflict or persecution, or those who have become trafficked. We also use the term to include those with refugee and asylum seeker status.  

We have been recognised as a University of Sanctuary since 2016.  

Bristol is also a City of Sanctuary

Sanctuary Scholarship  

The University of Bristol has a Sanctuary Scholarship. This gives funding to study for students from forced migration communities. Funding will depend on each person, and could cover fees, accommodation, and living costs. Sanctuary Scholars are also entitled to free gym access. 

If you are an asylum-seeking student, you may be subject to study bans and refusals. These can lead to extra costs that come from claiming asylum. The funds from the Sanctuary Scholarship usually disqualify you from legal aid. The scholarship does not provide enough to cover legal fees.  

Many organisations fundraise to support such students, including:

Support from the Student Inclusion Team

The Student Inclusion Team has a dedicated member of staff to support students from forcible displacement backgrounds. This includes access to 1:1 coaching or support and advice. You can contact the Sanctuary mailbox via


The Student Inclusion Team runs events across the year. These include events for students from forced migration backgrounds. Examples are:

  • social events
  • celebration events
  • frequent drop-in sessions to ask questions or get advice.

The Global Lounge is a multi-cultural hub in the heart of campus. It is both a lounge and an events space. Here, all members of the community can come together and take part in a range of fun cultural activities. There are often events happening at the Global Lounge which you can see on their events calendar

Student Action for Refugees (STAR) 

STAR is a network of students aiming to build a society that welcomes refugees to the UK and helps them thrive. The University of Bristol STAR group offers support for students and runs: 

  • information evenings 
  • open days for potential students 
  • volunteering programmes to support refugee communities in the wider city. 

About the City 

Bristol is a diverse and multicultural city. As a City of Sanctuary, it is proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. There are many local charities and organisations that provide information and support for forced migrants. Look at our Global Bristol guide for more information. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch via  

Further information for University staff is on our sharepoint page

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