Leadership Programme applications: support for Line Managers

This information is intended for line managers supporting a team member who is applying for one of the leadership development programmes:

  • Female Leadership Initiative (FLi)
  • Leading Collaborative Teams (LCT)
  • Bristol Senior Leaders (BSL)

Please note that each programme has different dates: see the individual programme webpages.

For further information, please see the Leadership Programmes: how to apply web page.

Line Manager Endorsement

FLi, LCT and BSL all follow the same application process. The applicant’s current line manager has to complete the ‘Line Manager Endorsement’ section of the Leadership Development Programmes Application Form, giving their support for the application.

Completing the Line Manager Endorsement section of the application form:

  1. The applicant will email you their unique URL to access their application form.
  2. Complete page 11 (only)of the form by answering two questions:
    1. Please outline your reasons for supporting the individual in this application. (up to 300 words)
    2. How else are you investing in this person’s leadership development? What support will you give them beyond this programme? (up to 200 words)
  3. Add the budget code/budget code name that will be used to pay the programme fee.
  4. Finally, click Finish later to save your answers.
  5. Inform the applicant that you have completed your section.
  6. Please note: the applicant will then need to return to their application form to complete the final pages and submit before the deadline.

Deadline: Monday 23rd October 2023, 23:59.

The Selection Process

  1. Completed applications are shortlisted by the heads of each individual faculty/division. Decisions will be made according to faculty/divisional priorities.
  2. The final selection of places is based on the shortlisting from divisions and faculties. Decisions will take into account balancing places across the University, and creating diverse, inclusive cohorts.
  3. Expected numbers for each programme are:
    • FLi - up to 30 participants
    • LCT - up to 30 participants
    • BSL - up to 22 participants
  4. Applicants and line managers will be notified of outcomes by early December.
  5. Line managers will be responsible for following up with unsuccessful applicants to identify alternative opportunities to support their development. Guidance will be provided by the People Development team to help you do this.

Time Commitment

As a guide, the overall time commitment to engage effectively with each programme averages approximately 1.5 days per month (including scheduled and unscheduled activities).

Participants are expected to attend all sessions of their chosen programme.

Individual programme dates are available on the leadership programme webpages.

The programme comprises:

  • ½ day Programme Launch
  • three modules, each with a 1 ½ hour online session and a whole day workshop
  • two additional Action Learning Groups of 2 hours
  • FLi and LCT: 4-5 sessions with a mentor / BSL: 5.5 hours of coaching
  • some individual reflection time/pre-sessional work and preparation
  • 30 minute 1:1 (optional)
  • ½ day post-programme Reflective Review (October)

Programme fees

Each participant's Faculty/Division will be charged a participatory programme fee to cover costs:

  • Female Leadership Initiative £520
  • Leading Collaborative Teams £520
  • Bristol Senior Leaders £850

Normally, the programme fee will come out of a staff development budget within your faculty / school / division / department. Speak to your School Manager/Divisional Head, if unsure.

Supporting a participant on the programme

There will be an online support session for Line Managers on Tuesday 31 January, 2-3pm.You will be sent a calendar invite to this session if your applicant is successful.

Leadership programme logo

How to apply

Applications for the 2024 Leadership Programmes are now closed.


We strive to ensure that our development programmes are accessible for all staff and meet your learning needs. If there are any factors which you feel would be a barrier to you accessing or participating in any elements of this programme, please get in touch to discuss with a member of the team sd-leadership@bristol.ac.uk

Support for staff with caring responsibilities

If you have caring responsibilities / work part-time:

The University has made provision for staff to be reimbursed for childcare to attend training outside their normal working days/hours. Please see the "What you can claim for" policy for details.  

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