Application process and terms & conditions for the Leadership Programmes

Applications for the Leadership Programmes 2024 are open until 23rd October 2023.

Please read the following information before applying for a place
By applying, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Before applying

  1. Read the programme description carefully to ensure the content fits your development needs.
  2. Check you meet the criteria for the programme.
  3. Speak to your line manager to get their support for the programme. They will need to provide an endorsement to confirm their support for your application. Further details are available in Leadership Programme applications: support for Line Managers.
  4. Check you are available for all programme dates.
  5. The programme team will run Information Sessions to answer any questions not answered on these pages or in the information on Develop. Please enrol on to one of the Information Sessions in Develop: 27 September or 3 October.
  6. Read through the programme Terms and Conditions (below) carefully.

Completing the application form

  1. To receive the link to the online application form, ‘enrol’ onto the Leadership Programmes 2024: application form in Develop. The link will take you to the application form in ‘Bristol Online Surveys’ (BOS).
  2. Complete the first pages of the form. Just before you get to the ‘Line Manager Endorsement’ section of the application form, click Finish later. This will give you a URL which you need to email to your line manager. There is more information on the support for Line Managers page.
  3. The questions you are asked on the form are:
    1. What attracted you to this programme and what do you hope it will offer you personally, professionally, and in terms of your career aims? (up to 250 words)​
    2. Please give an example of a time (at work or outside) where you have led or influenced others. What did you learn about yourself from this experience? (up to 250 words)
    3. How will your participation in the programme benefit your Division/School and the wider University? (up to 250 words)​
  4. You then must complete the final pages of the application form and Submit the form. After you submit, you have the opportunity to download your responses for your reference.
  5. Check you have completed ALL sections on the application form (incomplete forms will not be accepted).
  6. Deadline for the applicant AND line manager’s sections: Monday 23 October 2023, 23:59.
  7. Please note: submitting an application does not guarantee a place on the programme.


Selection process

  1. Completed applications are shortlisted by the heads of each individual faculty/division. Decisions will be made according to faculty/divisional priorities.
  2. The final selection of places is based on the shortlisting from divisions and faculties. Decisions will take into account balancing places across the University, and creating diverse, inclusive cohorts.
  3. Expected numbers for each programme are:
    • FLi - up to 30 participants
    • LCT - up to 30 participants
    • BSL - up to 22 participants
  4. Applicants and line managers will be notified of outcomes by mid-December.

Terms & Conditions

By applying, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

Programme fees

Each participant's Faculty/Division will be charged a participatory programme fee to cover costs:

  • Female Leadership Initiative £520
  • Leading Collaborative Teams £520
  • Bristol Senior Leaders £850

Normally, the programme fee will come out of a staff development budget within your faculty / school / division / department. Speak to your line manager, if unsure.

Please advise us as soon as possible if you are unable to identify which budget the fee will be taken from or have any questions, via


  • Programme dates are published in advance on the programme webpage.
  • Participants are expected to attend all sessions of their chosen programme.
  • All applicants must ensure they hold all the programme dates in their calendars.

We understand that there may be unforeseen circumstances whereby a participant is unable to attend a programme date. If this is the case, please notify the team as soon as possible via

Time commitment

As a guide, the overall time commitment to engage effectively with this programme averages approximately 1.5 days per month (including scheduled and unscheduled activities).

In addition to scheduled activities, allow additional time for sessions with a mentor, an optional 1:1, individual reflection/pre-sessional work and preparation.

Individual programme dates are available on the leadership programme webpages.

Programme preparation

  • Before the programme launch, successful applicants need to identify an active sponsor/mentor to support them throughout the programme.
    • If you already have a mentor, you may choose to continue to work with them during the programme.
    • If you do not already have a mentor, approach a potential mentor during the application process to ask if they would be prepared to help you in this way, then let them know the outcome of your application.
    • Mentors can be within the University or from outside, to suit your development needs.
    • Further information about mentoring is available on the Mentoring webpages.
  • Participants will be asked to complete the pre-programme survey.

Find out more

  • Read the programme webpages carefully
  • Speak to others who have participated in the programme
  • Attend an Information Session


If you need to withdraw from the programme, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We reserve the right to charge up to the full cost of the programme to your Faculty/Division if you withdraw and your place can’t be reallocated.

Leadership programme logo

Information for line managers

Information is available for line managers supporting a team member who is applying for one of the leadership development programmes.

Support for staff with caring responsibilities

If you have caring responsibilities / work part-time:

The University has made provision for staff to be reimbursed for childcare to attend training outside their normal working days/hours. Please see the "What you can claim for" policy for details.  

Access requirements

We aim to make our learning and development opportunities accessible to all staff. Please let us know if you require any reasonable adjustments to enable access, for example:
  • BSL/SSE interpreters
  • Handouts in advance, or in alternative formats (Braille, large print, electronically)
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