Career and skills development
Whatever your role at the University, you can enhance your personal and professional skills and take positive steps to craft a fulfilling career.
Leadership and management development
Build your people management skills, leadership credentials and improve your strategic thinking with the University's leadership and management development offer.
Research practice development
Supporting our research community with career development, skills and practices that enable effective research practices and environments.
Learn through others
Learning through meaningful interaction with others - such as coaching, mentoring or peer learning - is a powerful way of acquiring skills, knowledge, self-awareness and new connections.
Development Review
Your annual Development Review is a chance to reflect on your achievements and discuss your goals with a supportive line manager or supervisor.
Technical staff careers
Dedicated webpages containing specialist development opportunities and career support for our valuable technical staff population.
New starters
Welcome to the University of Bristol! We hope that this is the start of a rewarding and enjoyable career.
People Development intranet
Staff Development is now People Development! University staff should head to our SharePoint intranet site for full details of what's on offer.
Log into Develop
Browse and book courses and programmes in Develop, your learning and development platform.
LinkedIn Learning
Easy-to-follow online tutorials on software, technology, creative skills and more.
MindTools learning library
Thousands of online self-development and management resources you can access any time.
Contact us
How to contact People Development and find out more about the members of our team.