The differences between managing, mentoring and coaching

The roles of line manager, mentor and coach all use many of the same skills, such as active listening, questioning and supporting. However there are notable differences as laid out below

Line Manager

  • Is in a position of influence/power and knows a lot about the specific work of the individual. Concern is with the wider objectives of the team
  • Focus is on performance enhancement
  • Agenda is led by the line manager
  • Relationship lasts the length of the role
  • Formal meetings that generally take place at a venue convenient to the Line Manager and tend to take place when the Line Mangers needs information
  • Participation is compulsory and only ends when the role does


  • Usually more experienced than the ‘mentee’ but does not need to know the details of their role. Tends to have organisational knowledge and can pass on experience and open doors to otherwise out-of-reach opportunities
  • Provides support with personal and career development. There is no requirement to assess performance
  • Agenda is led by the individual
  • Can be an ongoing relationship that lasts a long time. Some schemes have a set duration
  • Can be more informal meetings that take place at a mutually agreed venue and can happen when the mentees needs guidance
  • Participation is voluntary and can end at any time


  • The coach does not need to have direct experience of the individuals’ formal occupational role
  • Provides support across a wider range of issues that the individual may be facing. There is no requirement to assess performance
  • Agenda is led by the individual
  • Relationship generally has a set duration
  • Generally more structured in nature and meetings are scheduled on a regular basis
  • Participation is voluntary and can end at any time