Jonathan Whitham

  • Jonathan Whitham

    Staff Coaching Service Manager
    Qualified coach
    ILM Level 7 Diploma in Coaching Supervision
    Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council
    RQi practitioner

    Jonathan is a qualified coaching practitioner with over 20 years of experience coaching individuals and teams in various sectors. He is passionate about people, and seeks to be sensitive, empathetic and flexible in his approach. He focuses on motivating individuals to be their very best, and he believes this is achieved through focused reflection, which ultimately leads to different actions. He often quotes, ‘if we do what we have always done, we will get what we have always got.’

    Jonathan strives to inspire his clients to do something different and attain greater control of themselves and their environment. He believes that they will see increased confidence, self-satisfaction and greater productivity.

    Outside the University Jonathan works with individuals and teams to develop their coaching and management skills within their working environment.

    Holding a ILM Level 7 Diploma in Coaching Supervision enhances his approach to Coaching and supporting others to become greater reflectors of their practice, in their chosen profession.

    He is a member of the of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) and is a practitioner for the RQi psychometric around resilience.