D: Take action

In the previous sections the focus has been on thinking, reviewing, reflecting, listening, discussing, and planning.
In section A, you have invested time in thinking through:
· What you most value and what motivates you
· The aspects of the career and organisational culture that fulfil you
· The skills you have and want to use
· Now it is time to take action to find real vacancies and get your next job.
In section B, you began expanding your possibilities by exploring:
· What other researchers have gone on to do before you
· Different ways of generating ideas new careers
· Roles and sectors that you may not have been aware of
· The different types of organisation cultures and practices
In section C, you started to make decisions about:
· Whether you fulfil potential employers’ expectations
· Which possible careers best suit you
· Whether you might be getting in your own way of making a change
And made plans to:
· Develop new skills and gain experience
Now it is time to take action, to find vacancies and effectively apply for jobs.
In this section you will find ways to:
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