
PEACH publications

Southward EF, Page AS, Wheeler BW, Cooper AR. (2012). Contribution of the school journey to daily physical activity in children aged 11-12 years. American Journal of Preventive Medicine;43(2):201-204.

This study was interested in establishing how much of 11-12 year olds daily moderate/vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was realised through active travel to and from school. It resulted that the journey provided 33.7% of total daily MVPA.

Laschowitz K, Jones AP, Page AS, Wheeler BW, Cooper AR. (2012). What can global positioning systems tell us about the contribution of different types of urban greenspace to children's physical activity? Health and Place;18:586-594.

This paper was concerned with how far greenspaces encouraged and provided the environment for after-school and weekend moderate/vigorous physical activity (MVPA). It was discovered that a third of total weekday MVPA across participants occurred in greenspaces. Greenspace use was particularly associated with weekend MVPA, providing the environment for 40.3%on Saturdays and 56.6% on Sundays.

Cooper AR, Jago RP, Southward EF, Page AS. (2012). Active travel and physical activity across the school transition: The PEACH project. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise;44(10):1890-1897.

This paper examined whether changes in the mode of travel for school commute in the transition from primary to secondary school, affected levels of physical activity. In general moderate/vigorous physical activity (MVPA) increased after the transition. Those who travelled by car to secondary school after walking to primary school showed a significant decrease of 15.5% in MVPA, while those who did the reverse measured an average of 16.1% more daily MVPA.

Jago RP, Page AS, Cooper AR. (2012). Friends and physical activity during the transition from primary to secondary school. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise;44;1:111-117.

This paper aimed to investigate the importance of friendship factors in influencing the levels of physical activity during the school transition. It was found that on average, boys after school moderate/vigorous physical activity (MVPA) decreased by 16% on moving to secondary education, and girls by 12%. However, it was also discovered that there is a clear association between friendship influence and girls MVPA, as 1 more friend gained in the school transition equated to 3.7 minutes more MVPA after-school and 9.8 minuted at weekends.

Page AS, Cooper AR, Griew P, Jago RP. (2010). Children's screen viewing is related to physiological difficulties irrespective of physical activity. Pediatrics;126(5):e1011-7.

This paper looked for an association between greater screen use and poor physiological profiles. It was discovered that children who spent more than 2 hours in front of the television or computer each day, and less than 1 hour doing moderate/vigorous activity had significantly increased physiological difficulties.

Griew P, Page AS, Thomas S, Hillsdon M, Cooper AR. (2010). The school effect on children's school time physical activity: the PEACH Project. Preventive Medicine; 51:282-286.

This paper looked at whether children's school time physical activity is associated with the school they attend. It was identified that the school effect explained 14.5% of the difference in pupils school time physical activity. Suggested that the school setting might not provide a suitable environment to stimulate high levels of physical activity in girls.

Wheeler BW, Cooper AR, Page AS, Jago R. (2010). Greenspace and children's physical activity: A GPS/GIS analysis of the PEACH project. Preventive Medicine;51:148-152.

This paper looked at activity levels in different land cover types. It was discovered that only 15% of after-school time is spent outdoors in 10-11 year olds. Time outdoors is associated with higher levels of physical activity, with 35% of moderate to vigorous activity occurring outdoors.  Most outdoor activity in this group of children was in areas not classed as greenspace. Boys get more of their activity in greenspace than girls.

Cooper AR, Page AS, Wheeler BW, Hillsdon M, Griew P, Jago R. (2010). Patterns of GPS measured time outdoors after school and objective physical activity in English children: the PEACH Project. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 7:31

Investigated the association between GPS measured time outdoors and physical activity. Time outdoors peaks shortly after children leave school (between 3.30-4pm). Overall children spend just over 40 minutes outdoors after school. Girls tended to spend slightly less time outdoor then boys. Physical activity was 2-3 fold higher outdoors than indoors. Physical activity indoors was consistent throughout the year whereas physical activity outdoors was seasonally patterned.

Page AS, Cooper AR, Griew P, Jago R. (2010). Independent mobility, perceptions of the built environment and children's participation in play, active travel and structured exercise and sport: the PEACH Project. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 7:17

Independent mobility - children's ability to move around in their neighbourhood unaccompanied by an adult. This is measured by the questions 'how often are you allowed to go to the following places on your own or with friends (without an adult)' in the computerised questionnaire. Greater independent mobility related to a higher frequency of play for boys and girls.

Cooper AR, Page AS, Wheeler BW, Griew P, Davis L, Hillsdon M, Jago R. (2010). Mapping the walk to school using accelerometry combined with a global positioning system. American Journal of Preventive Medicine (2) 178-183

Combining accelerometry, GPS and GIS allowed both the route and level of physical activity associated with the journey to school to be described. Children that walked to school had higher levels of daily physical activity and more moderate to vigorous physical activity than car travellers in the hour before school. Walking to and from school could contribute at least 10% to daily moderate to vigorous physical activity

Page AS, Cooper AR, Griew P, Davis L & Hillsdon, M.  (2009). Independent mobility in relation to weekday and weekend physical activity in children aged 10-11 years: The PEACH Project. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity 6:2 

Local independent mobility - best friend’s house, school, local shops, park/playground. Area independent mobility - swimming pool, library, cinema, arcade, bus stop, sports centre, shopping centre. Boys and girls had higher scores for Local independent mobility, indicating parents are more willing to let them visit local destinations. Both local and area independent mobility was found to be higher in boys. Children that were allowed unsupervised locally and wider had higher levels of weekday physical activity. The minutes of daylight had an effect on both independent mobility and physical activity, darkness is a barrier to parents allowing their children to play outside unsupervised.                                        

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