


What we have discovered so far...

The PEACH project was designed to investigate a number of factors related to the change in physical activity levels of children as they move through schooling. The first part of the study focused on the transition year between primary and secondary school. The age of transition (10-12years) is typically characterised by a downward shift in physical activity and an increase in sedentary behaviour.  Because the transition from primary to secondary school is also often associated with a change in mode of transport to and from school, changes in independent mobility (IM) and a change in peer group and environment, the original PEACH project was interested in discovering what influence these factors have on physical activity levels.

See below for our findings to date.                                               

What is next for PEACH...

Longitudinal data analysis is underway using PEACH data from all three time points. In addition, cross-sectional analysis of the PEACH 3 data including Cortisol will take place once data collection is complete. 

Watch this space for further updates on our findings.


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