Meet the team

University of Bristol

Professor Ashley Cooper – PI for PEACH and co-lead on PEAR

Dr Angie Page – PI for PEAR and co-lead on PEACH

Rebecca Loaring MSc – Research Assistant for PEACH

Byron Tibbitts MSc – Research Assistant for PEAR

Maria Baquedano MSc – Fieldworker for PEAR

Tom Griffin MSc – Statistician for PEACH and PEAR

University of East Anglia

Dr Emma Coombes  - GIS analyst for PEAR

Co-applicants on PEACH

Professor  Russ Jago – University of Bristol

Professor Janice Thompson – University of Birmingham

Dr Rob Andrews – University of Bristol

Professor Andy Jones – University of East Anglia

Co-applicants on PEAR

Professor Andy Jones  - University of East Anglia

Professor Steve Cummins - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Professor Laurence Moore - Cardiff University (DECIPHer)


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