Webinar - How to tackle gambling within marginalised communities

12 June 2024, 1.00 PM - 12 June 2024, 2.00 PM

Chaz Singh, Community Engagement Lead for the Addiction Recovery Agency (Ara Recovery4all)

Zoom Webinar

How to tackle gambling within marginalised communities

To register to attend this event online, please sign up on Zoom.

Abstract: Chaz will be speaking about gambling within marginalised communities.  Further information to follow.

Speaker: Charanjeet Singh (Chaz) lives in Plymouth and is 1 of 96 Sikhs in the city, according to the 2021 census. That is 0.04% of the population. He is an award-winning active grassroots campaigner and became Plymouth’s first ever elected Sikh Councillor. He was the Deputy Lord Mayor from 2012-13 and was a Parliamentary Candidate for the General Election in 2015. He was elected in 2011 and served 12 years. He has worked in prisons, schools, local community groups and businesses. Chaz has provided individually tailored educational programmes which promote racial harmony and positive community cohesion. Previously a successful retail manager, Chaz has been able to apply and share his knowledge within the wider community. His approach is innovative, and he is passionate about education whilst maintaining his Sikh identity and values. He is probably the most recognised and visible Sikh in the Southwest with a list of awards from Washington DC to Houses of Parliament.  He is now the Community Engagement Lead for the Addiction Recovery Agency (Ara Recovery4all).


Contact information

Please contact gambling-harms@bristol.ac.uk with any questions about the event.

Chaz Singh, Community Engagement Lead for the Addiction Recovery Agency (Ara Recovery4all)

Charanjeet Singh - ARA Recovery4all

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