September 2021 media coverage

Mail Online. Three-quarters of older teen girls ‘may have eating disorder’ after pandemic hits youngsters’ mental health. Dr Nilu Ahmed.
30 September 2021

The Guardian - books. Covid by Numbers review – how to make sense of the statistics. Professor Oliver Johnson.
30 September 2021

EuronewsYahoo! news. COVID vaccines: What are the potential side effects from having them and how do they compare? Dr Ben Kasstan.
25 September 2021

BBC News online. Covid: How can missing five million be persuaded to have the jab? Professor Stephan Lewandowsky.
23 September 2021

BBC Radio Bristol. Coronavirus: vaccines for 12 to 15-year-olds. Professor Adam Finn.
22 September 2021

BBC Radio Bristol. Coronavirus vaccinations for young people. Dr Nilufar Ahmed.
22 September 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Pupils offered coronavirus jabs as consent letters go out to parents. Professor Adam Finn.
21 September 2021

BBC Points West. Management of coronavirus in schools. Professor Sir Steve Sparks.
21 September 2021

BBC News. Coronavirus: vaccines for 12 to 15-year-olds and booster vaccines. Professor Adam Finn.
20 September 2021

BBC news. Covid: Expert fears 'stigmatising' of anti-vaccine parents. Professor Adam Finn.
18 September 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Children should know about tiny risk from Covid vaccine, insist experts. Professor Adam Finn.
18 September 2021

MailOnline. Government adviser admits Covid vaccine would NOT have been recommended for use on children in normal times until it had been fully investigated after schools rollout was given go-ahead. Professor Adam Finn.
18 September 2021

MailOnline. Can you be friends with an anti-vaxxer? Dr Nilufar Ahmed.
18 September 2021

MailOnline. Be tolerant of everyone's decision on jabs for children, expert urges parents. Professor Adam Finn.
18 September 2021

Metro. Covid deaths back to March levels as 8,000 people battle disease in hospital. Professor Adam Finn.
18 September 2021

Forbes, Forbes JapanMenstrual cycle changes after Covid shots should be investigated to prevent misinformation, UK immunologist urges. Dr Gemma Sharp.
16 September 2021

ITV News. Covid 'bereavement crisis' as thousands endure loneliness and social isolation. Dr Lucy Selman.
14 September 2021

Independent. Britain can ‘live with the virus’, says Boris Johnson as Whitty warns of difficult winter. Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 September 2021

The Irish News. Opinion: Covid vaccinations for children a significant step. Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 September 2021

LBC News. Government's COVID-19 Winter plan. Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 September 2021

Daily Mirror. UK 'flying blind into perfect storm' as government plans to scrap PCR travel tests. Professor David Matthews.
13 September 2021

Sky News. Chief Medical Officers of the UK advise ministers to vaccinate young people 12 years of age and over. Professor Gabriel Scally.
13 September 2021

Independent. Britain can ‘live with the virus’, says Boris Johnson as Whitty warns of difficult winter. Professor Gabriel Scally.
13 September 2021

The Observer. The winter Covid plan will be marked by delay, confusion and ignorance. Sound familiar? Professor Gabriel Scally.
12 September 2021

The Observer. Covid jabs for 12- to 15-year-olds ‘set to start in weeks’ across UK. Professor Gabriel Scally.
12 September 2021

The Guardian. Boys more at risk from Pfizer jab side-effect than Covid, suggests study. Professor Adam Finn.
10 September 2021

BBC Radio 4 Today, BBC news online. Covid: Mandatory jabs for health staff being considered in consultation. Professor Adam Finn.
9 September 2021

Reuters. UK approves COVID-19 boosters but final decision on programme still pending. Professor Adam Finn.
9 September 2021

The Spectator [behind a paywall]. What Britain should learn from Israel about booster shots. Professor Oliver Johnson.
8 September 2021

Telegraph [behind a paywall]. Don’t start booster vaccine doses too soon, warns JCVI scientist. Professor Adam Finn.
8 September 2021

The Irish News. Immediate roll-out of Covid vaccine to 12 to 15-year-olds a 'no brainer'. Professor Gabriel Scally.
7 September 2021

BBC Radio Bristol. Discussion on JCVI's decision not to recommend covid vaccinations for healthy 12 to 15 year olds. Professor Adam Finn.
6 September 2021

Sky News. COVID-19: Ministers optimistic jab will be offered to children over 12 - despite advisers not recommending it. Professor Adam Finn.
4 September 2021

Independent. Scientific adviser backs rethink of experts’ thumbs-down for teenage Covid jabs. Professor Adam Finn.
4 September 2021

Sky News, LBC. Why the JCVI has not recommended giving covid vaccinations to healthy 12 to 15 year olds. Professor Adam Finn.
4 September 2021

BBC News, MailOnline. UK panel does not recommend COVID vaccines for healthy 12- to 15-year-olds. Professor Adam Finn.
3 September 2021

Daily Telegraph [behind a paywall]. Is it safe to vaccinate healthy children? And, if so, should the government get on with it? Professor Adam Finn.
3 September 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live with Colin Murray [listen at 31:27 in]. BBC Radio Bristol. OCTAVE study into the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. Professor Adam Finn.
1 September 2021

CGTN. Are booster jabs a 'shame on all humanity' or necessary tools to fight new variants? Professor Jonathan Ives.
1 September 2021

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