January 2021 media coverage

Independent, Western Daily Press, Huffington PostDaily MailITV News. Belief in Covid conspiracies linked to low vaccine uptake, new study suggests. Dr Siobhan McAndrew.
31 January 2021

The Observer.  Over-70s in UK ‘will die’ if Covid vaccine priority goes to younger key workers. Professor Adam Finn.
30 January 2021

The Hindu. Cholesterol increases Covid-19 infectivity. Dr Deborah Shoemark.
30 January 2021

BBC News at Six [watch at 01:45 in] and News at Ten [watch at 09:00 in]. Coronavirus vaccines: Jannsen vaccine shown to be effective in major trials.  Professor Adam Finn.
29 January 2021

New York Times. One dose now for everyone most likely to die. Professor Adam Finn.
29 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 08:58 in]. Two Bristol academics are part of a new National Virology Consortium studying the threats of new SARS-CoV-2 variants. Dr Andrew Davidson.
29 January 2021

Independent. Lifting lockdown in April would lead to another ‘enormous wave’ of infections. Professor Adam Finn.
29 January 2021

The Guardian. Everyday Covid mistakes we are all still making. Professors Lucy Yardley and Gabriel Scally.
29 January 2021

WalesOnline. Scientists begin testing Covid vaccine on children. Professor Adam Finn.
29 January 2021

The Spectator [behind a paywall]. Why we should be wary of React’s R-number estimate.
29 January 2021

Sky News. Recommondation by German Vaccine Commison AstraZeneca jab should only be given to the under 65s. Professor Adam Finn.
29 January 2021

Daily Mail. Vaccine Commitee member hails Novavax jab news as 'very exciting'. Professor Adam Finn.
29 January 2021

BBC News 24. Recommondation by German Vaccine Commison AstraZeneca jab should only be given to the under 65s. Professor Adam Finn.
28 January 2021

The Guardian. Primary schools: pandemic causing 'significant' learning loss in England. Professor Simon Burgess.
28 January 2021

MSN News. Why Covid cases aren't falling faster. Professor Oliver Johnson.
28 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 PM [listen at 07:55 in]. Recommondation by German Vaccine Commison AstraZeneca jab should only be given to the under 65s. Professor Adam Finn.
28 January 2021

BBC News. Covid: UK experts back AstraZeneca jab amid Germany ruling. Professor Adam Finn.
28 January 2021

The Guardian Comment. The UK's half-baked Covid travel quarantine scheme will not work. Professor Gabriel Scally.
28 January 2021

BBC Future. How Covid-19 mutations are changing the pandemic. Dr Yohei Yamauchi.
28 January 2021

BBC One Morning Live[watch at 05:02 in]. Misinformation about coronavirus. Dr Nilufar Ahmed.
28 January 2021

BBC Radio Somerset. What is the case for school staff in special schools to be vaccinated for Covid? Professor Gabriel Scally.
28 January 2021

Nouvelles Du Monde. How Covid-19 mutations are changing the pandemic. Dr Yohei Yamauchi.
28 January 2021

Western Mail. 'The harms are now too great to continue to leave schools closed...' Professor Sarah Lewis.
28 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight [listen at 14:50 in]. Call by the Labour Party to change the Covid-19 vaccination first phase priority list. Professor Adam Finn.
27 January 2021

The California Sun. Scientists' fury at 'incorrect' claim that Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is only 8% effective. Professor Adam Finn.
27 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 11:16 in] and Late News [watch at 05:21 in]. Pre-clinical trials begin for possible treatment for COVID-19. Professor Christiane Schaffitzel.
27 January 2021

Chemistry World. Decoding the virus – what we know about Sars-CoV-2 a year on. Dr Andrew Davidson.
27 January 2021

IFLS, MailOnline. Study finds even very young kids are capable of social distancing at school. Professor Sir Steve Sparks.
27 January 2021

Times India Post. Boris Johnson faces down furious Labour over ‘ineffective’ hotel quarantine measures. Professor Gabriel Scally.
27 January 2021

BBC Radio Bristol. What can we expect in the coming months with more people receiving the coronavirus vaccine? Professor Adam Finn.
27 January 2021

WalesOnline. The case for schools to go back as soon as possible. Professor Sarah Lewis.
27 January 2021

BBC Radio Somerset. A number of factors have led to the current position of the pandemic in the UK. Professor Adam Finn.
27 January 2021

BBC West News Breakfast. Researchers at the University of Bristol say they could be just months away from a new Covid treatment that would work a bit like an asthma inhaler. Professor Christiane Berger-Schaffitzel.
27 January 2021

NPR (National Public Radio), BBC World Service. Britain, which has one of the highest per-capita fatality rates in the World has now exceeded 100,000 deaths. Was the country too slow to impose lockdowns? Professor Gabriel Scally.
27 January 2021

The Guardian. UK Covid hotel quarantine system to target travellers from high-risk areas. Professor Gabriel Scally.
26 January 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live Colin Murray [listen at 12:35 in]. How feasible is it to compare the number of people in the UK who have lost their lives to Covid-19 with other countries around the world? Professor Gabriel Scally.
26 January 20201

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 09:18 in] and BBC Points West Late News [watch at 03:42 in]. Questions about Covid-19 answered by a panel of experts.  Professor Adam Finn.
26 January 2021

Bloomberg Westminster radio. Vaccine hesitancy and rejection in some BAME communities, its causes and ways of tackling it. Dr Agnes Arnord-Forster.
26 January 2021

Channel 4 News FactCheck. Can we trust reports that Oxford-AstraZeneca jab is only 8% effective in elderly? Professor Adam Finn.
26 January 2021

inews. Vaccine efficacy: AstraZeneca rejects ‘completely incorrect’ German report jab is 8% effective for over-65s. Professor Adam Finn.
26 January 2021

The Guardian. AstraZeneca vaccine may not go to older people, EU medicines chief suggests. Professor Adam Finn.
26 January 2021

BBC News online. Covid-19: Hundreds of student doctors 'on front line' fighting pandemic. Jack McAlinden, Abbi Bow and Luke Ottewell.
26 January 2021

Yahoo! news, HuffPost. Covid infection rates are falling. So why is there ‘a very long way’ to go? Professor Oliver Johnson
26 January 2021

Yahoo! India. Can Vitamin D really protect you from COVID-19? Dr Deborah Shoemark.
26 January 2021

Daily Mail. 12-week delay is safe, expert tells critics. Professor Adam Finn.
26 January 2021

Independent. ‘This was absolutely avoidable’: How the UK lost 100,000 lives to Covid-19. Professor Gabriel Scally.
26 January 2021

BBC Radio Bristol Breakfast. What can be learnt from previous pandemics? Dr Agnes Arnord-Forster.
26 January 2021

Heart Bristol. Covid-19 quarantine hotels amid concerns about new Covid variants. Professor Gabriel Scally.
26 January 2021

Amed Post. Scientists' fury at 'incorrect' claim that Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine is only 8% effective. Professor Adam Finn.
26 January 2021

BBC Two Newsnight [watch at 23:05 in]. What does the science say about school children, transmission of Covid-19 and when pupils couldd be back in school? Professor Caroline Relton.
25 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 13:10 in] and Late News [watch at 02:53 in]. What is known about the Covid-19 vaccines and delayed vaccine dose. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

inews. Covid vaccine: Scientist hits back at doctors who criticised strategy of delaying the second dose. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

The Telegraph Live [scroll down to 10:40 am]. Scientists will know by 'end of the week' if 12-week gap between vaccine doses is working. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Delaying second Covid vaccine dose ‘offers better protection’. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

ITV News. Covid: UK 'won't be back to square one' if vaccines ineffective against variants, top scientist says. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

MailOnline. Scientist says spacing doses by 12 weeks will make them BETTER in the long run. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

BBC News. Covid-19 vaccine and delaying the second dose. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

BBC News Live [scroll down to 09:33 am]. Professor defends delayed vaccine dose. Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 Today [listen at 2:22:01 in]. How safe are people after one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine with the second dose spaced out?  Professor Adam Finn.
25 January 2021

The Guardian. Johnson being urged to impose blanket Covid border controls. Professor Gabriel Scally.
24 January 2021

The Observer. I’ve had my first vaccine jab. It gives me hope of liberation... but not yet. Professor Adam Finn.
24 January 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live Sunday Breakfast [listen at 1:06:17 in]. What 'managed isolation' would do for us in keeping Covid-19 variants out of Britain and Ireland. Professor Gabriel Scally.
24 January 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. 'I am not a lab rat and will not get vaccinated. Dr Agnes Arnold-Forster.
23 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight [listen at 22:07 in]. Data suggests UK variant 'may be more deadly' and transmissible. Professor Gabriel Scally.
22 January 2021

BBC Points West lunchime and evening news. Hundreds of medical students studying at Bristol University are helping to ease the pressures in our hospitals.
22 January 2021

newstalk. Island of Ireland could be COVID-free if we put politics aside. Professor Gabriel Scally.
22 January 2021

LBC radio. What we know about Covid-19 variants, and the threat from emerging variants. Dr Andrew Davidson.
22 January 2021

The Conversation. What we’ve learned about bereavement during the pandemic. Professor Karen West and Dr Hannah Rumble.
22 January 2021

Daily Mail, Evening Standard, Jerusalem Post, Western Daily Press. Majority of UK public support Covid tracking technology and immunity passports, research finds. Professor Stephan Lewandowsky.
22 January 2021

The Guardian, The Irish Times, Independent. New UK Covid variant may be 30% more deadly, says Johnson. Professor Gabriel Scally.
22 January 2021

The Guardian. Concerns grow for children’s health as screen times soar during Covid crisis. Professor Paul Howard-Jones.
22 January 2021

inews. How decades of public health inequality have made ethnic communities hesitant to take Covid vaccines. Dr Agnes Arnold-Forster.
21 January 2021

The Guardian, Evening Standard, Yahoo! News, FR24News. Wear medical-grade masks if you can't socially distance, Britons told. Dr Allen Haddrell.

Independent. UK hit by largest ever outbreak of bird flu as chickens join humans in isolating to stop virus spread. Professr Mick Bailey.
21 January 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Scientists fear infections are not falling after all. Professor Oliver Johnson.
21 January 2021

Heart radio. Will the country be able to ease lockdown rules by Easter? Professor Gabriel Scally.
20 January 2021

BBC news. Covid-19: Scientists challenge 'flawed' lateral flow tests report. Dr Angela Raffle.
20 January 2021

BBC One West Breakfast. Research on synthetic copies of the virus and how infectious the mutations are and how effective. Drs Andrew Davidson and David Matthews.
20 January 2021

The Sun. China spreading warped anti-vax conspiracies about Pfizer jab after ’33 elderly people die in Norway’. Professor Stephan Lewandowsky.
19 January 2021

LBC Radio. Easing of covid lockdown and when it should happen. Professor Gabriel Scally.
19 January 2021

newstalk. Lack of mandatory travel quarantine in Ireland is 'really, really bad news'. Professor Gabriel Scally.
19 January 2021

The Guardian. Experts unconvinced by Lord Sumption's lockdown ethics. Professor John Coggon.
19 January 2021

The Word with Miranda Rae [podcast]. How the Covid-19 vaccine was developed so quickly and can people trust it's safe. Professor Adam Finn.
19 January 2021

Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell with Times Radio Breakfast [listen at 1:07:18 in]. Covid-19 vaccination rollout and current issues. Professor Adam Finn.
19 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 04:00 in]. Covid-19 vaccine: your questions answered. Professor Adam Finn.
18 January 2021

The Guardian: Opinion. 'Cry freedom' after the vulnerable are vaccinated? Not so fast, Matt Hancock. Professor Adam Finn.
18 January 2021

inews, Sky News. When will teachers get the vaccine? Covid vaccination priority list explained as UK roll-out continues. Professor Adam Finn.
18 January 2021

BBC Radio Bristol. Covid-19 vaccine rollout programme. Professor Adam Finn.
18 January 2021

BBC Radio Kent. Support of the current COVID-19 lockdown measures and the public's adherence. Dr Nilufar Ahmed.
18 January 2021

Times Radio Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell with Times Radio Breakfast [listen at 00:01:40 in]. New COVID-19 variants. Dr David Matthews.
18 January 2021

The Epoch Times [behind a paywall]. How COVID made 2020 the year of the e-bike. Professors Ashley Cooper, Angie Page and Dr Jessica Bourne.
18 January 2021

The Observer. First fruits of vaccine rollout 'should be seen in weeks'. Professor Adam Finn.
17 January 2021

Sunday Times [behind a paywall]. Covid passports: a freedom certificate that may get the world travelling again. Professor Adam Finn.
17 January 2021

Washington Post [behind a paywall]. Britons lament 'UK variant' label, as highly contagious version of coronavirus spreads around the world. Dr Stephen Mawdsley.
17 January 2021

Sky News. Covid variants from Kent, South Africa and now Brazil, and will existing measures be adequate. Dr David Matthews.
17 January 2021

Daily Mirror. Teachers and school staff must be vaccinated before school returns, scientists demand. Professor Gabriel Scally.
16 January 2021

The Conversation and Australian Times. Vaccines alone aren’t enough to eradicate a virus – lessons from history. Dr Agnes Arnold-Forster.
16 January 2021

Focus online. New manual aims to improve communication on Corona vaccines and reduce fears. Professor Stephan Lewandowsky.
16 January 2021

World Stree Journal (WJC) [behind a paywall]. UK vaccination plan puts elderly first but delays possible herd immunity. Professor Adam Finn.
15 January 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live Stephen Nolan [listen at 22:11 in]. UK to close travel corridors from Monday. Should this have happened sooner? Professor Gabriel Scally.
15 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 04:28 in] and Late News [watch at 02:50 in]. Misinformation about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccine. Dr David Matthews.
15 January 2021

BBC Radio Bristol. Bristol virologists part of the new National Virology Consortium and threat of new Covid-19 variants. Dr Andrew Davidson.
15 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 PM [listen at 41:29 in]. Are Covid lockdown rules getting through to people? Professor Lucy Yardley.
15 January 2021

The Guardian. How to care for people with Covid at home. Dr James Dodd.
15 January 2021

Bristol 24/7. 'We find ourselves in a race against time' - Bristol's vaccine expert. Professor Adam Finn.
15 January 2021

The Telegraph. Calls mount for tighter border controls amid concerns of a 'gaping hole' in UK pandemic response. Professor Gabriel Scally.
15 January 2021

BBC News. Will mass community testing be offered across Wales? Dr Angela Raffle.
15 January 2021

Daily Express. Pubs and restaurants could remain closed despite Britons getting coronavirus jab. Professor Adam Finn.
14 January 2021

BBC Science Focus Magazine. Why scientists think it’s safe to mix them? Dr David Matthews.
14 January 2021

DublinLive. Ireland lockdown: Schools 'very unlikely' to reopen in February. Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 January 2021

MailOnline. ‘If football is shut down because of this we know where the fault lies...’ Experts demand action over Covid rule-breakers after players flagrantly ignore new rules to avoid hugs. Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 January 2021

ITV Good Morning Britain.  Are we vaccinating the wrong people? Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 Today [listen at 2:51:00 in].  What will change once the Covid vaccine roll out has reached many millions of people? Professor Adam Finn.
14 January 2021

Newstalk. Schools reopening in early February 'very unlikely'. How long will it be before the lockdown has an impact? Professor Gabriel Scally.
14 January 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live with Chris Warburton [listen at 19:15 in]. Professor Gabriel Scally.
13 January 2021

The Science Times. Is it safe to mix COVID-19 vaccines from different makers? Dr David Matthews.
13 January 2021

The Guardian, Yahoo! News. UK coronavirus deaths pass 100,000 after 1,564 reported in one day. Professor Gabriel Scally.
13 January 2021

Metro. Key workers to be tested twice a week as cases soar. Dr Angela Raffle.
13 January 2021

BBC News 24. Government plans to step-up the Covid vaccine programme and impact of the vaccine on immunosuppressed patients. Professor Adam Finn.
13 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour [listen at 02:15 in]. Government deicision to delay second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Professor Adam Finn.
13 January 2021

Times Radio Breakfast with Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell [listen at 02:36:17 in]. Covid vaccination rollout programme. Professor Adam Finn.
13 January 2021

The Telegraph [behind a paywall]. Instate tests found just 3pc of student cases. Dr Angela Raffle.
13 January 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Sturgeon considers mass testing despite objections. Dr Angela Raffle.
13 January 2021

The BMJ. Covid-19: Controversial rapid test policy divides doctors and scientists. Professor Adam Finn.
12 January 2021

The Guardian, MailOnline. Experts call for rethink of lateral flow mass testing for Covid in UK. Dr Angela Raffle.
12 January 2021

inews. Britain’s colossal failure to tackle Covid-19 began not in 2020, but a decade ago. Professor Gabriel Scally.
12 January 2021

Financial Times [behind a paywall]. Whitty warns next few weeks are 'going to be worst' for hospitals. Professor Oliver Johnson.
12 January 2021

MailOnline. Rush-hour traffic in London hits its highest level during third lockdown as key workers continue to commute to work. Professor Lucy Yardley.
12 January 2021

The Guardian: Opinion. England's crisis can't be blamed on the new Covid variant alone. Professor Gabriel Scally.
12 January 2021

The BMJ Opinion. Covid-19: government must urgently rethink lateral flow test roll out. Dr Angela Raffle.
12 January 2021

Yahoo! News, MSN UK, Women's Health. Gut bacteria may influence severity of COVID complications, study suggests. Dr Kaitlin Wade.
12 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 04:43 in] and Late News [watch at 02:56 in]. Q&As about the Covid vaccination programme. Professor Adam Finn.
11 January 2021

John Pienaar with Times Radio Drive [listen at 00:52:10 in]. Mass vaccination programme rollout. Professor Adam Finn.
11 January 2021

Evening Standard. Pubs could be closed 'till May' as Covid lockdown set to last 'until March 23'. Professor Adam Finn.
11 January 2021

Financial Times [behind a paywall]. Why the Covid crisis in UK hospitals is likely to get worse. Professor Oliver Johnson.
11 January 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live Your Call [listen at 03:43 in]. Your Coronavirus questions answered. Professor Adam Finn.
11 January 2021

BBC Breakfast [watch at 2:14:23 in]. Mass COVID-19 vaccination rollout. Professor Adam Finn.
11 January 2021

Newstalk. Ireland's "open door" policy to travel curtailing efforts to reduce COVID-19 surge. Professor Gabriel Scally.
10 January 2021

The Observer. What are the pros and cons of mass Covid testing in England? Professor Adam Finn.
10 January 2021

The Observer, Financial Times [behind a paywall]. Rapid Covid testing across England will help identify symptomless carriers. Professor Adam Finn.
10 January 2021

The Telegraph [behind a paywall]. Government accused of misleading public about lateral flow tests. Dr Angela Raffle.
10 January 2021

Sky News Sophy Ridge on Sunday, Sky News, inews, WalesOnline. Matt Hancock says the Government is on track to deliver 13 million jabs by mid-February. Professor Adam Finn.
10 January 2021

BBC News online, ITV.com news. Covid-19: Rapid tests for asymptomatic people to be rolled out. Dr Angela Raffle.
10 January 2021

Bristol Live, Mirror, Sky News, MailOnline, The Times. Teachers to be considered as possible priority for Covid vaccine. Professor Adam Finn.
10 January 2021

The Spectator Covid's endgame: How should lockdown be lifted? Professor Philip Thomas. 
9 January 2021

Daily Mirror. Giving Covid vaccine to elderly will do little to stop spread, scientist warns. Professor Gabriel Scally.
9 January 2021

The Telegraph [behind a paywall]. People with common colds testing positive for Covid-19 may simply be asymptomatic cases, experts reveal. Professor Caroline Relton.
9 January 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Wait for supplies forces GPs to delay Covid vaccine clinics. Professor Adam Finn.
7 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 Today [listen at 33:34 in], BBC Radio 5 Live Breakfast [listen at 1:02:17 in] Yahoo! Canada, Independent, Daily Mail, The Metro, Yorkshire Post, The Times, Bristol Post, Epigram, The Scotsman, Jerusalem Post.  Scientists worldwide collaborate to publish Covid-19 vaccine guide.  Professors Stephan Lewandowsky and Adam Finn.
7 January 2021

BBC Radio Good Morning Scotland [listen at 1:15:07 in]. Policy on delaying the second Covid dose. Professor Adam Finn.
7 January 2021

ITV.com. Could there be other Covid-19 mutations and will vaccines work against other variants? Dr David Matthews.
6 January 2021

BBC Science Focus Magazine. Coronavirus vaccine: Is it safe? Dr David Matthews.
6 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News.  How might the new strain of the Covid virus behave? Dr Andrew Davidson.
5 January 2021

BBC Radio 5 Live, BBC Radio Bristol, . How to stay positive during the third Covid lockdown. Dr Nilu Ahmed.
5 January 2021

BBC Gloucester. Delivery of second dose of the Covid vaccine. Professor Adam Finn.
5 January 2021

The Sun. Can we really vaccinate our way out of this Covid hell? Professor Gabriel Scally.
5 January 2021

Daily Mail. Has Britain got ANY chance of vaccinating 13m by mid-February? Professor Gabriel Scally.
5 January 2021

BBC Points West Evening News [watch at 13:20 in] and Late News. Covid-19 vaccination rollout and delivery of second dose. Professor Adam Finn.
4 January 2021

BBC Radio 4 World at One [listen at 10:00 in]. Coronavirus roll out, post-implementation evaluation and variants. Professor Adam Finn.
4 January 2021

BBC News. Actions they must take during lockdown to get the virus under control. Lockdowns alone are just not enough to keep us safe. Professor Gabriel Scally.
4 January 2021

The Observer. The Oxford Covid jab is delivered this week. But when will vaccines bring results? Professor Adam Finn.
3 January 2021

Times Radio Breakfast [listen at 02:08:00 in]. Delaying second covid vaccine dose, "mix & match" non-story and vaccine roll-out. Professor Adam Finn.
3 January 2021

Financial Times [behind a paywall]. UK economists’ survey: recovery will be slower than in peer countries. Professor Richard Davies.
3 January 2021

Sky News. The UK's Covid testing system is "totally inadequate", and does not align with international guidance.Professor Gabriel Scally.
3 January 2021

Daily Mail. A shortage of doses, red tape strangling volunteer army, and a row over second jabs: DAVID ROSE asks if this will be the vaccine of freedom - or another fiasco in the making? Professor Adam Finn.
1 January 2021

Sky News. We need a full lockdown, schools need to stay closed and be made safer and, we still need a proper find, test, trace, isolate and support system. Professor Gabriel Scally.
1 January 2021

The Times [behind a paywall]. Ministers had been warned to prepare for a pandemic. Professor Gabriel Scally.
1 January 2021

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