April 2020 media coverage

iNews. Coronavirus vaccine: UK to get early access to Oxford University vaccination if trials are successful. Professor Adam Finn.
30 April 2020 

BBC Two Newsnight [watch at 13.42 mins in]. Interview about the importance of contact tracing and testing. Dr Gabriel Scally.
30 April 2020

BBC One Question TimeDebate around the Government's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Sir Paul Nurse, Chancellor.
30 April 2020

iNews. Coronavirus vaccine: UK to get early access to Oxford University vaccination if trials are successful.  Professor Adam Finn.
30 April 2020

Daily Mirror. Coronavirus vaccine: Scientists pledge to produce 100 million doses in 2020. Professor Adam Finn.
30 April 2020

New Statesman. Why the UK’s cultural divide is forcing Labour to be cautious over the Tories and coronavirus. Paula Surridge.
30 April 2020

Bloomberg. Children With coronavirus may be just as infectious as adults. Professor Adam Finn.
30 April 2020

BBC News online. Coronavirus: What is the hidden health cost? Professor Philip Thomas.
29 April 2020

Daily Mail. Medical experts still learning about Covid-19 and premature birth. Professor Andrew Whitelaw.
29 April 2020

Daily MirrorMetroWales Online and USA Today. Why you need to brush your teeth just before leaving the house. Professor Martin Addy.
29 April 2020

Yahoo News. Anger after Panorama claims government 'failed to stockpile crucial PPE'. Dr Gabriel Scally.
28 April 2020

International Business Times. Scientists find coronavirus in air pollution particles, says report. Professor Jonathan Reid.
28 April 2020

BBC News at Ten [watch at 14.35 mins in]. Main options for the gradual easing of the lockdown.  Professor Lucy Yardley.
27 April 2020

The Telegraph. When will schools reopen in the UK, and is it safe to send my child back? Dr Dan O'Hare.
27 April 2020

TES. Lockdown: Call to stop GCSE gap for vulnerable widening. Professor David Berridge.
27 April 2020

The Sun. Coronavirus found on air pollution particles prompting fears bug can travel over long distances. Professor Jonathan Reid.
25 April 2020

The Telegraph. The way out of lockdown: the strategies evaluated. Professor Adam Finn.
24 April 2020

Research Professional. Inside Bristol's 'Uncover' Covid-19 vaccine team [log-in required]. Imorphoron and UNCOVER Group.
24 April 2020

The Guardian. Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution. Professor Jonathan Reid.
24 April 2020

The Guardian. What have scientists learned about Covid-19 so far? Professor Adam Finn.
24 April 2020

BBC Radio 4 Today programme [listen at 01.32.10 mins in]. Overview of Bristol's research into COVID-19. Professor Adam Finn and UNCOVER Group.
24 April 2020

The Telegraph. When will schools reopen in the UK, and is it safe to send my child back? Dr Dan O'Hare.
24 April 2020

Sky NewsAll Out Politics programme, Bristol Live. Human coronavirus vaccine trials taking place in Bristol. Professor Adam Finn.
23 April 2020

Bristol Live. Pregnant women needed for Bristol coronavirus study. Dr Emma Anderson.
23 April 2020

BBC News. Calls for enquiry on Cheltenham Festival go-ahead. Professor Gabriel Scally.
23 April 2020

The Guardian. Psychiatrists fear surge of Covid-19 cases. Professor David Gunnell.
22 April 2020

The Conversation. Coronavirus: flying in fruit pickers from countries in lockdown is dangerous for everyone. Dr Denny Pencheva.
21 April 2020

BBC Radio Bristol. Interview about Children of the 90s' COVID-19 questionnaire. Professor Nic Timpson.
21 April 2020 

MetroSputnik NewsWorld Economic Forum, Western Daily Press. How coronavirus has transformed the grieving process. Dr Lucy Selman.
20 April 2020

Yahoo News. Scientists dismiss claim more men are dying from coronavirus because it 'is expressed in testicles'. Professor Paolo Madeddu.
20 April 2020

The Conversation. Coronavirus conspiracy theories are dangerous – here's how to stop them spreading. Professor Stephan Lewandowsky.
20 April 2020

Medical News Today. COVID-19 and pets: What is there to know? Professor Mick Bailey.
19 April 2020

MSN Australia. Coronavirus: five months on, what scientists know about Covid-19.  Professor Adam Finn.
19 April 2020

BBC Points West. Report on Children of the 90s' COVID-19 questionnaire. Professor Nic Timpson.
17 April 2020

The Conversation. How coronavirus has transformed the grieving process. Dr Lucy Selman.
17 April 2020

Daily Express. Expert on 'new ways' retailers can attract buyers. Dr Eleanora Pantano.
17 April 2020

BBC Points West [watch at 07.17 mins in]. Latest update about the current lockdown and the relaxing of restrictions. Professor Adam Finn.
16 April 2020

The ConversationWorld Economic Forum. Coronavirus: how accurate are coronavirus tests? Dr Jessica Watson and Dr Penny Whiting.
16 April 2020

The Telegraph. Could 'proning' help you fight coronavirus? Dr James Dodd.
16 April 2020

Bristol Live. Inside the lab leading Bristol's coronavirus vaccine effort. Professor Adam Finn, Professor Imre Berger and Frederic Garzoni.
16 April 2020

Bristol 24/7, BBC Points West and Heart FM. Bristol Uni produces hand sanitiser for city's key workers. School of Chemistry.
15 April 2020

The Naked Scientists. Coronavirus mutation disrupts vaccine trials. Dr David Matthews.
15 April 2020

BBC Points West [watch at 06.33 mins in]. Latest update from Bristol scientists studying COVID-19 to understand the virus. Dr Andrew Davidson and Dr David Matthews.
14 April 2020

BBC Radio Bristol: Vital work could help pave the way for coronavirus vaccines.  Dr David Matthews.
14 April 2020

The Conversation. How a virus brought New York to a standstill in the summer of 1916. Professor Gareth Williams.
14 April 2020

Newsweek. Obesity one of the biggest risk factors in COVID-19 hospitalisations, study suggests. Dr Joshua Bell.
14 April 2020

The Observer. Five months on, what scientists now know about the coronavirus. Professor Adam Finn.
12 April 2020

Sunday Guardian Live. Clinical trials, diagnostic tests for COVID-19 take place in UK. Professor Adam Finn and Professor Imre Berger.
11 April 2020

Bristol Cable. Whose life to save? Investigating the 'do not resuscitate' form coronavirus controversy. Dr Jonathan Ives.
10 April 2020.

Yahoo Finance UK. Coronavirus: How susceptible are pets to the infection? Professor Mick Bailey.
9 April 2020

The Telegraph. Can breathing techniques help in the fight against coronavirus? Dr James Dodds.
8 April 2020

Medical Xpress. New vaccine platform used to develop COVID-19 candidates. Professor Imre Berger and Professor Adam Finn.
8 April 2020

BBC Points West [watch at 1.20 mins in], Bristol Live. Vaccine tests to begin in Bristol after team make coronavirus breakthrough. Professor Imre Berger and Professor Adam Finn.
7 and 8 April 2020

The Spectator. How to read coronavirus graphs. Dr Oliver Johnson.
7 April 2020

Bristol Live. Bristol University scientists have made discovery which could help find COVID-19 vaccine. Dr David Matthews and Dr Andrew Davidson.
6 April 2020

New York Times. A new COVID-19 crisis: Domestic abuse rises worldwide. Professor Marianne Hester.
6 April 2020

BBC News  onlineThe IndependentMirrorMetro. Scientists brand 5G claims 'complete rubbish'. Professor Adam Finn.
5 April 2020

CNN health7news AustraliaCTV news. Some may joke about a coronavirus baby boom. Here's why you shouldn't try to conceive in quarantine. Emeritus Professor Andrew Whitelaw.
5 April 2020

BBC Six O’clock News, BBC Points West, ITV News, ITV Westcountry News, BBC Radio 4 Six O’clock News [listen at 22 mins in]. Online graduation for final year medical students.
3 April 2020

Daily Telegraph. Matt Hancock's five-point coronavirus testing plan explained. Professor Adam Finn.
3 April 2020

The Times. Death toll in UK nears 3,000 amid record daily rise. Professor Oliver Johnson.
3 April 2020

Channel News Asia. Increasing cases of domestic violence as cities go into lockdown. Professor Gene Feder.
2 April 2020

Channel 4 News. BMA guidance around prioritising care for patients. Dr Jonathan Ives.
2 April 2020

Bristol Cable. Bristol University experts rally to fight COVID-19 and search for a vaccine. Professor Adam Finn, Dr David Matthews and Professor Colin Dayan.
2 April 2020

The Spectator. UK lockdown sends nearly a million applicants to Universal Credit. Professor Oliver Johnson.
2 April 2020

BBC News onlineMetroDailyMail, The Times, Bristol Post and others. Bristol medical students qualify early to help NHS. 
1 April 2020 

UnHerd: How likely are you to die of coronavirus? Professor George Davey Smith.
1 April 2020

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