The EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Innovation in NDE (FIND-CDT) was officially announced in a ceremony in London on Monday 4th February. FIND-CDT is the continuation of the current CDT in Quantitative NDE and will continue being associated with the RCNDE, UK’s Research Centre in NDE, industrial community.  

We are elighted to announce that the first cohort of students has now started at the different FIND CDt universities. The Centre offers  a mix of EngD and PhD 4-year-long studentships to allow for both experimental and applied research in the areas of future NDE technologies, future infrastructure NDE and future manufacturing NDE. Students are based at one of the six participating universities and benefit from cohort-approach activities such as technical and soft skills courses. Induction week, an exciting welcome into the world of NDE packed with curricular and social activities for our students, is organised for early November. 


If you would like to become part of this dynamic network of academic and industrial excellence, apply now! 


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