Researcher's Route Map

The Researcher’s Route Map aims to give you the best chance of getting your project successfully funded and delivered.

If you’re putting together a research proposal and want to access the right help at the right time, there’s a vast amount of information and support available across the University. This tool brings this all together in one place. By working through each step, you can easily find valuable information and understand the essential steps that trigger decisions and approvals at the most appropriate points of your journey.

Considering these details at an early stage not only gives you the best chance of funding success but also makes it easier and faster to set up your project – meaning you can start your research more quickly.

1 Pre-Proposal

  1. I have an idea for a project... what should I do?

  2. Checkpoint 1
    Is this the right process for your project?

    • If unsure, This checklist will assist in assessing the nature of your activity

    • If yes, go to next step.

  3. Find a funding opportunity

  4. Create a worktribe project record

  5. Understand your proposal's support and approval level

    Check whether there is a Institutional Major or Complex bid process associated with your proposal as this will affect the approvals and support you require later on

    If unsure, This form provides guidance on levels

  6. Update worktribe record

    Your Costing Specialist will confirm the support that you need

  7. Checkpoint 2
    Is your proposal appropriate to pursue?

    • If no, re-assess options, then go back to start.

    • If yes, go to next step.

2 Proposal

  1. Write your proposal

3 Internal Approvals

  1. Review proposal and confirm all requirements are met

  2. Checkpoint 3
    Get internal approval from finance and school

    • If no, return to write your proposal.

    • If yes, go to next step.

  3. Submit proposal to funder

    Your costing specialist may submit on your behalf

4 Application Submitted

  1. Checkpoint 4
    Funding decision

    Successful or not, notify your costing specialist of your funder's decision

    • If unsuccessful, re-assess options, then go back to start.

    • If successful, go to next step.

5 Award Acceptance and Setup

  1. Offer review

  2. Checkpoint 5
    Review/confirm commitments

    • If not confirmed, return to offer review and acceptance step.

    • If confirmed, go to next step.

  3. Award acceptance and budget setup

    Your Costing Specialist will put your project to live and set up your budget code

6 Project Setup and Delivery

  1. Project planning

    If the research involves human participants, their data and/or tissue, it will require ethical review. Contact Research Governance

  2. Project delivery

7 Post Project

  1. Project close

  2. Share your project outputs

  3. Ready to consider another proposal?

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