Quantalk Speaking Competition

Register for tickets to the Quantalk final. Please note that teachers and students from participating schools will be sent invitations to the Quantalk final separately, so should not use this link. 

Quantalk is a speaking competition for local Year 12 students run by Quantum Engineering PhD students at the University of Bristol. Participants are tasked with writing a short 'TED' style talk on a topic related to quantum mechanics, which they will deliver to their peers. The winners will advance to a final round hosted at the University of Bristol. 

We are visiting several secondary schools and sixth form colleges around the Bristol area to give training on how to deliver an effective talk. We are also holding sessions in June at the University of Bristol open to all students. 

School visits 

Pairs of our PhD students are visiting local schools, and running after-school sessions, in which participants learn skills in independent research and public speaking. These are organised on an individual basis. 

University of Bristol sessions 

Due to the success of trialling sessions in local schools, and to allow wider participation in Quantalk, we will be delivering equivalent sessions at the University of Bristol. These will be open to any Year 12 students at schools we haven't visited who are interested. They will run after school from 16:30 -18:30 on Wednesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th June, with four two-hour sessions in total. 


The Quantalk final will be hosted at the University of Bristol on Friday 5th July. All participants, teachers, and parents/guardians are welcome to attend. Participating schools will be sent invitations, all other attendees may register at Eventbrite


To make this competition as inclusive and enjoyable as possible, we only require that students have an interest in quantum - there are no subject requirements. We wish to ensure that all participating students, regardless of their background, will gain skills and knowledge from Quantalk and will have an equal opportunity for success. 

For school visits, the PhD students will require a teacher from the school to supervise workshops, and the use of an IT room. 

For the University of Bristol sessions, students will need to make their own way to and from the sessions, but schools are encouraged to organise travel if they wish. 


How much will this cost? 

Quantalk is a free outreach event. We only ask students who attend the University of Bristol sessions and/or who reach the final to arrange their own travel where necessary. 

Is this going to interfere with exams? 

School visits are planned to occur away from exam times. Upcoming visits and the University of Bristol sessions are planned in June, after exams will have finished. 


Meet our PhD students organising this event here 


Any questions about the competition or to register your school please email qe-quantalk-project@bristol.ac.uk


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