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What is the OPEN study?  ‌‌‌‌



When people feel poorly, someone like a a doctor or nurse may come to see them at their home ‘out of hours’ . ‘Out of hours’ means during the late afternoon, night and very early morning. That’s what you are doing now!
We want to find out what patients and doctors/nurses say to each other when they meet. If we know more about what happens here, we can help other people like you by helping doctors and nurses and other people who work ‘out of hours’ to do their work even better!




Why are we doing the study?

Because we want to help improve how patients and doctors/nurses talk about being poorly and how to help make things better.


What will happen if you take part?

1) We will video record you and your parents/carer talking to the doctor or nurse. The researcher will have a small video camera.
2) You can ask to stop recording any time you like.
3) We would also like to get some information about you from the doctor or nurse’s computer.
4) We will also ask you to answer some questions with your parents/carer in 10 days. The questions are about your visit from the doctor or nurse. Your parents can help with that too.

If you are happy we this, we will ask you if you want to take part. We will also ask your parents/carer to fill in a form to say that they are happy for this to happen. You can talk to them about it to help you decide if you want to take part in this research.



Children patient participants

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