Information for health and social care professionals, agencies and charities

EOS (Experiences of survivors of domestic violence and abuse: Hearing women’s voices) is a research project running for two years from September 2014. Through talking to women survivors we aim to increase our understanding of the impact of domestic violence and abuse on women’s lives and health. We want to find out how easy or how difficult it is for women to access information and support from family, friends and professionals, whether they choose to stay or to leave the relationship. What help was useful and what wasn't.  We hope this research will be useful not only for those experiencing domestic violence and abuse but also will help to educate health workers.

The findings will be used to develop an on-line information resource about women’s experiences, as part of the website. This will also be used for training health social care professionals.

If you have any questions about the study, please contact us.

We have conducted 40 interviews with a wide range of women as across England and Wales, of all ages from 18 upwards and from a variety of social and ethnic backgrounds, who have experienced domestic violence or abuse from another adult, either current or historic.

We are now engaged in analysing te data and preparing themes for the website.  The DVA module will go live in 2016.  In preparation for the launch we will contact those of you who have supported the study, to invite your feedback on how it looks. We will also use social media to advertise the new module and invite you to participate in dissemination of our key findings.

Watch this space for further updates!

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