How to get involved

EOS (Experiences of survivors of domestic violence and abuse: Hearing women’s voices) is a research project which began in September 2014. Through talking to women survivors we aim to increase our understanding of the impact of domestic violence and abuse on women’s lives. We want to find out how easy or how difficult it is for women to access information and support from family, friends and professionals, whether they choose to stay or to leave the relationship.

The findings will be used to develop an on-line information resource about women’s experiences, as part of the website.

We have now interviewed 40 women who have experienced domestic violence or abuse (current or historic) and recruitment has now closed.

Thank you to all those who came forward to tell their story and have assisted with the study.

We will post updates of the study findings on the website.  Please continue to use the website for information.

Information for women survivors

Information for health and social care professionals, agencies and charities

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