Recruitment to our study completed in February 2020. The below information was for potential participants and we have kept it here for completeness only.

Welcome to the Children's page!


Don't forget to send us your coloured-in bee! 

Click here for a bee to print and colour:

Blank bee (PDF, 509kB)


Information about the Trial

Because you have eczema, sometimes your skin gets red and itchy. This can be sore and may make you feel unhappy or grumpy.

You may have tried using different moisturisers, but you may not know which one is best to use. You may like the feel or smell of some more than others.


Doctors and researchers are trying to find out which is the best moisturiser to put on your skin – a lotion, cream, gel or an ointment. We do not know which one is best, but we want to find out.

We are looking for 520 children like you to join and help us with this project!

To see if one type of moisturiser works better and is liked more than another, children will be asked to use one type of moisturiser such as a:

  • Lotion

  • Cream

  • Gel

  • Ointment

A researcher will come and look at your skin, and ask your mum or dad questions about you and your eczema. Afterwards, a computer will decide which moisturiser you will use.


When your mum or dad collects your moisturiser, you can start using it straight away. Try to put it on at least 2 times a day, but make sure your hands are clean first.

‌You will be asked to see the researcher once more and they will look at your skin. They are not allowed to know which moisturiser you have been using, so please don’t tell them or show them

Your mum or dad will be asked to answer questions about how you have been getting on. You can help remind them how often you used your moisturiser. You might also be invited to share your views in an interview, but it is your choice if you want to do this.

You can tell your mum or dad what you think about your moisturiser. You don’t have to say it is good if you don’t think it is.


When everyone has used their moisturiser for a year, the study will end. The doctors and researchers will look to see which moisturiser helped children’s eczema the most and which was liked the best. 


If one moisturiser is better than the others, they can try to make sure that children like you are given this first to help their skin get better.

If all the moisturisers work the same, this will still be an important finding. They can tell people that it doesn’t matter which moisturiser is used, and can try and think of new ways to help. 

If you would like to talk about this or have any questions, then please ask your mum or dad, or talk to one of the researchers. 



Busy Bee

Profile: Busy Bee

Name: Busy 

Age: 1

Height: 30 centimetres

Hair: Black and Furry

Home: The BEE Study office in Bristol (but I am always flying around to visit doctor's surgeries!)

Job: Helping children and young people who have eczema

Likes: Flying - top speed 20mph (when I'm not carrying too much pollen!)

Dislikes: Peppermint and cold weather

Favourite foods: Nectar and pollen

Favourite flower: Lavender - or anything purple

Favourite film: The BEE movie

Favourite film character: Buzz Lightyear

Favourite clothes: Stripy jumpers

A BEE FACT: Did you know that Bee's cannot see red? We leave red flowers to the hummingbirds! And a FUN FACT: Did you know Professor Dumbledore's (from Harry Potter) name comes from the Cornish word for bumblebee?

Busy Bee
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