Do I have to take part?

AvonCAP GP2: general practice study about chest infections

Do I have to take part?

No. It is up to you to decide whether you want to take part in this study. We encourage people to take the time they need to consider the information (available on the information sheet and the website) and ask any questions they have. You may also wish to discuss this with other people including family or friends. If you choose not to take part, you don’t have to give a reason, and your medical care won’t be affected.

For people who lack capacity to decide whether they want to take part, we will contact a friend/relative/care home staff to find out the person’s wishes and whether they would have objected to taking part in the study.

If someone decides to take part but later changes their mind, they are free to withdraw at any time, without giving a reason. A decision not to take part, or to withdraw, will not affect your legal rights or your medical care outside of the study.

If you do withdraw from the study, you can also withdraw your consent for further use of your samples that have not yet been processed or other information about them, if you wish and ask for this specifically.

If you would like to opt out of the study, please see: Information about opting out.

Do people have to take part in all parts of the study?

No. People can take part in as much or as little of the study as they choose. Some people may consent to information being collected from their GP record but decline consent to provide samples or fill out the symptom diary.

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