Benefits and disadvantages of taking part

AvonCAP GP2: general practice study about chest infections

What are the potential benefits of taking part?

This study will not directly benefit the person taking part but taking part will help us to understand more about chest infections and who would benefit most from vaccination. We hope this may benefit other patients in the future.

As a token of our thanks for the valuable time people give to helping us with the research, we will send people who take part:

  • a £20 voucher for providing samples
  • a £20 voucher for completing the symptom diary and
  • a £10 voucher for each follow-up survey (up to £40, only applies to people who have not fully recovered after 4 weeks)

What are the potential disadvantages and risks of taking part?

Taking nose and throat samples can be a little uncomfortable during the collection, and can rarely cause a mild nosebleed.

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