Instructions for presenters

Instructions for oral and elevator pitch presenters

Prior to the meeting:

  • Presentations must use PowerPoint
    • Presentations should have an introductory slide stating presentation title, author names and institutions
    • There are no other limitations on the number or format of slides (including for elevator pitch presentations)
    • Elevator pitch presentations slides should complement the poster, not simply reproduce it. Do not try and squash a 10-minute presentation into 3 minutes – use the pitch as an opportunity to “advertise” your research and encourage individuals to visit your poster. In the presentation, highlight the key messages and why they are important. In the poster you can provide additional details
  • All rooms will have computers and projectors; personal laptops cannot be accommodated for presentations
  • Please double-check what type of presentation you have (see the attached programme) – standard (10-minute) oral, or elevator pitch (3-minute) with poster
  • All elevator pitches have an accompanying poster (see separate instructions)
  • There are over 100 speakers at the conference – so please email your presentation to no later than 9am on Tuesday 3 March
  • Presentations should be saved with the filename clearly showing the number of the presentation and presenting author’s surname name, as it appears in the programme (e.g. 1a.2 Tammes) (attached to this email)
  • You will receive an email acknowledgement to confirm that your presentation has been received.

At the meeting:

  • If possible, check your presentation has been uploaded in the room prior to the session in which you are presenting
  • On checking in at the conference reception, please make it clear you are a speaker so we can confirm your talk has been received and the chair of your session can be informed
  • Please ensure you are at your allocated room at least 5 minutes prior to the start of the whole session
    • Introduce yourself to the session chair stating how you wish to be introduced
    • If you need to attend a different session prior to talking yourself, for example because you are supporting a junior colleague, then please let the chair know before your own session begins
  • Presentation lengths
    • Full oral: 15-minute slot: 10 minutes for talk, 5 minutes for questions
    • Elevator: 5-minute slot: 3 minutes for talk, 2 minutes for questions
  • Please take any presentation materials away with you; any left at the end of the conference will be discarded.

Instructions for posters

  • All poster presentations will also have a 3-minute elevator pitch (see above)
  • Posters should be in A0 portrait size (approx. 84cm wide, 119cm high)
  • Posters should be hung up by 10.30 on the day you are presenting
  • Fixing materials (adhesive-backed Velcro) will be provided
  • Poster boards will be clearly labelled with the presentation number corresponding to that given in the programme (attached to this email)
  • Presenters should attend their poster during the viewing sessions clearly stated in the brochure – this is an essential opportunity to discuss your research in more detail, so do make sure you are available for the full period
  • Note that judges will be visiting each poster; it is important you will be available to answer any questions from the judges
  • For delegates attending both conference days, posters should be left for both days
  • Remember to take your poster with you at the end; unclaimed posters will be disposed of.
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