Poverty-relevant research at the University of Bristol

We are pleased to launch our new Bristol Poverty Institute research information page, where you can search and browse a wide range of poverty-relevant projects, publications and researchers at the University of Bristol.

You can also find links to selected poverty-relevant research projects below.

Participatory climate information distillation for urban flood resilience (2021-ongoing), Joe Daron, Mary Zhang, Jeff Neal, Rachel James, Tom O'Shea, Lauren Brown, Sukaina Bharwani, Lena Grobusch, Gilbert Siame, Chris Jack, Alice McClure, Bettina Koelle, Richard Jones, Tamara Jones, Laura Burgin

Monograph on Child Poverty in Zanzibar (2021-ongoing), Marco Pomati, Shailen NandyMary Zhang

Physical and mental health toll of food insecurity due to climate change: A pilot exploration of Uganda and South Africa (2021), Mary Zhang, David Gordon, Dawei Han, Eunice Lo, David MacLeod, Dann Mitchell, Ahmed Mohamed

ISCF Healthy Ageing Social, Behavioural and Design Research Programme (SBDRP) (2021), Helen Manchester

Consciousness raising: Pre-service engagement to enhance the role of teachers as change agents to improve female students’ experience of learning (2021), Tigist Grieve

Transforming Social Inequalities Through Inclusive Climate Action (TSITICA) (2020-2023), David Gordon

Estimating the vulnerability of African girls and their families to Covid-19 infections (2020), David Gordon, Mary Zhang 

Multidimensional poverty at child levels: Measurement and methodology (2020-2021), David Gordon 

Capturing the value of community energy (2020)Colin Nolden & Peter Thomas

Supporting the measurement and enhancement of African children's rights and well-being in nutrition, healthcare and education through a gender lens (2019-2021), Mary Zhang, Tigist Grieve, Alba LanauDavid Gordon 

Transforming Education for Sustainable Futures (TESF) (2019-2022), Leon Tikly

How tough is WASH? Developing indicators to measure the resilience of WASH to climate change in LMICs (2019-2021), Guy Howard

From Everyday to Extreme: Strengthening Resilience to Frequent Flash Floods in Perú (2019-2021), Jeremy Phillips

Development of Inequalities in Child Educational Achievement: A Six Country Study (DICE) (2019-2021), Liz Washbrook

Bridging Gaps: Co-production of improving healthcare access for women with complex needs in Bristol (2019-2020), Lucy Potter

The Importance of Reliability and Construct Validity in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement: An Illustration Using the Multidimensional Poverty Index for Latin America (MPI-LA(2019) Héctor E. Nájera Catalán & David Gordon

Reply to Santos and Colleagues ‘The Importance of Reliability in the Multidimensional Poverty Index for Latin America (MPI-LA)’ 2019 Héctor E. Nájera Catalán & David Gordon

Domestic abuse and violence: developing more effective responses in children and young people's social care (2019), Marianne Hester

Co-production of primary healthcare for street sex working women (2019), Lucy Potter

SARiHE knowledge exchange with rural communities in Southern Africa (2018-2019), Sue Timmis

NGO-Academia Collaboration Forum: Poverty and Malnutrition in Low and Middle income Countries (2018-2019), Mary Zhang

Measuring multidimensional poverty in the Pacific Region (2018), Alba Lanau

The geography of poverty in Latin America (2017-2020), David Gordon 

Broken Ground: Earthquakes, Colonialism and Nationalism in South Asia, c. 1900-1960 (2017-2020), Daniel Haines

SAFER seismic safety and resilience of schools in Nepal (2017-2020), Anastasios Sextos

Building Bhutanese Resilience Against Cataclysmic Events (BRACE) (2017-2018), Frances Cooper 

The distribution and dynamics of economic and social wellbeing in the UK (2017-2018), Demi Patsios 

Life chances: Low-Income Families in Modern Urban Settings (2017-2018), Debbie Watson

Making the poverty premium history (2017), Sara Davies

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the United Kingdom (2016-2020), David Gordon

Southern African Rurality in Higher Education (SARiHE) (2016-2019), Sue Timmis

Productive Margins: Regulation for Engagement (2016-2018), Tim Cole

Vulnerability: The experience of debt advisers (2016-2018), Sharon Collard

Poverty in the UK: Advancing paradata analysis and open access (2016-2018), David Gordon

War Impact on Dryland Environments and Social-Ecological Resilience in Somalia (WIDER-SOMA) (2016-2018), Katerina Michaelides

HARVEST: High-mountain Asia - building Resilience to water Variability using Experiments, Surveys and accounts of Tradition (2016-2017), Daniel Haines

Creative Methodological Approaches to Researching the Transition from Rurality to Higher Education in South Africa (2016), Sue Timmis

Who is worthy of 'our' support? Disability and forced migration in the UK (2015-ongoing), Rebecca Yeo 

Evidence and policy review: Domestic violence and poverty (2015-2018), Eldin Fahmy 

ESRC IAA: Advising in Austerity; how Citizens Advice can adapt to uncertain times? (2015-2018), Morag McDermont

Telephone outreach to enhance uptake of NHS health checks in more deprived communities (2015-2017), Jeremy Horwood

Alcohol dependency and malnutrition among homeless people (2015-2017), Sharea Ijaz

The Poverty Premium - When low-income households pay more for essential goods and services (2015-2016), Sara Davies

The demographic impact of development: from engagement to policy change in Africa (2014-2016), Mhairi Gibson

The demographic impact of development: engaging with the charitable sector to design and implement effective intervention in rural Ethiopia (2014-2016), Mhairi Gibson

Widening participation? Exploring the effect of financial support and outreach on the choices and experiences of students in Bristol (2013-2016), Sara Davies

Poverty, credit and debt: an expert-led review (2013-2014), Sara Davies

An Examination of the Impact of Family Socio-Economic Status on Outcomes in Late Childhood and Adolescence (2007-2012), Simon Burgess

SHINE: Supporting Healthy Inclusive Neighbourhood Environments (2012-ongoing), Suzanne Audrey

Child poverty and quality of government: A global analysis (2012-2016), David Gordon

Attitudes to domestic violence in low- and middle income countries: A multi-level approach to primary prevention (2012-2012), LynnMarie Sardinha

 For more detailed research outputs, from 2017 - 2022,  please click here, and look under category headings.
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