Poverty dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: Webinar

Poverty dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: Webinar

Thursday 11 June 2020, 14:00-16:00 (online)

On Thursday 11 June the Bristol Poverty Institute (BPI) held the first webinar in our new COVID-19 series: Poverty Dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. The webinar had almost 60 attendees representing a range of sectors and organisations including local governance, international NGOs, independent journalists and consultants, and academics from around the world.

This webinar featured four fantastic speakers who explored different dimensions from different perspectives. Titles, slides and recordings are available below. For a full summary of the event and presentations please check out our blog post.

Dr Lauren Winch (Manager of Bristol Poverty Institute)
Introduction to Poverty Dimensions of COVID-19 in the UK webinar
Presentation available for download here: Introduction to Poverty Dimensions of COVID-19 in the UK webinar (PDF, 234kB)

Video recording available to view below

Professor David Gordon Director of Bristol Poverty Institute and Professor of Social Justice, University of Bristol)

Poverty and Covid-19 in the UK
Presentation available for download here: Poverty and COVID-19 in the UK (PDF, 1,043kB)

Video recording available to view below

Mr Thomas Croft (National Coordinator for ATD Fourth World UK)
Digital exclusion, multidimensional poverty and COVID-19
Presentation available for download here: Digital exclusion, multidimensional poverty and COVID-19 (PDF, 814kB)

Video recording available to view below

Professor Sharon Collard (Research Director of Personal Finance Research Centre, University of Bristol)
The impact of COVID-19 on financial wellbeing
Presentation available for download here: The impact of COVID-19 on financial wellbeing (PDF, 1,409kB)

Video recording available to view below

Mr Ben Carpenter (Youth and Community worker in Bristol and founder of Grassroot Communities CIC)
Opportunities in South Bristol
Presentation available for download here: Opportunities in South Bristol (PDF, 763kB)

This first webinar has served to set the scene for the ensuing series, identifying some of the key topics, challenges, and policy issues. Building on this University of Bristol researchers will be able to apply to host their own webinar within this series in collaboration with external partner(s). Future webinars may have different regional and/or thematic foci, exploring the various dimensions of how this pandemic will impact on lives across the globe.

For more information or to discuss an idea please get in touch with BPI Manager Dr Lauren Winch (lauren.winch@bristol.ac.uk).

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