Socially Just Future Cities

Socially Just Future Cities

12 June 2024, 1.50 PM - 12 June 2024, 4.00 PM

The Bristol Poverty Institute and the Cabot Institute City Futures theme held an interactive workshop on the topic of socially just future cities. The event explored topics around a just transition and leaving no one behind, and how this intersects with issues including health, city planning, and the importance of systems thinking when addressing issues of sustainability to avoid unintended consequences for those experiencing or at risk of poverty. This touched on many aspects of everyday life including energy and transport poverty, access to white goods, and food options.

The event began with short ‘scene-setting’ talks from the BPI Director, Professor David Gordon, and Cabot Institute City Futures theme co-lead, Dr Ges Rosenberg. All attendees were invited to give a one minute, one slide flash presentation to introduce themselves and their research interests. This was followed by breakout discussions to explore in more depth questions on this topic that cross disciplines, such as ‘what are the key synergies or conflicts between environmental sustainability and social justice?’ and ‘what would a socially just transition in Bristol look like?’.

Aim of the event

The aim of the event was to bring together colleagues from different disciplines and provide space for new connections and interdisciplinary discussion. An interactive workshop format was used to explore synergies, innovate, and explore how we can tackle challenges in different ways from different approaches.

Presentation slides

Dr Ges Rosenberg
Cabot Institute Co-Lead for City Futures, Research Fellow in Engineering Systems and Design, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Socially Just Future Cities (PDF, 6,756kB)


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