Bristol Poverty Institute presents

Poverty and Social Justice in a post COVID world

The Seventh Peter Townsend Memorial Conference

5-6 June 2024


This 2-day Conference brought together world-renowned scholars as well as academics at all career stages, specialists and activists to explore how the pandemic impacted different dimensions of poverty and how different expertise, approaches, and perspectives can be combined to help improve the lives of those suffering from poverty. 
The programme for the day is available  in the 2024 Conference Delegate Pack Day 1 (PDF, 793kB)

Day 1, Tuesday 5 June 2024

Introductory Session

Dr Lauren Winch, Manager of Bristol Poverty Institute, University of Bristol, UK

Professor David Gordon, Director Bristol Poverty Institute, University of Bristol, UK

Session 1: Education, Employment and Escalating Inequalities

Professor Sharon Collard, Personal Finance Research Centre, University of Bristol, UK

Professor Jane Millar, Institute for Policy Research, University of Bath, UK

Dr Will Baker, School of Education, University of Bristol, UK

Session 2: Mental Health, Poverty and the Pandemic

Ms Tricia Jessiman, Public Health Intervention Responsive Studies Teams (PHIRST), University of Bristol, UK

Dinithi Wijedasa, Associate Professor in Child and Family Welfare, Children and Families Research Centre,  School for Policy Studies
University of Bristol, UK

Laura Howe, Professor of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, UK

Session 3: Structural Inequalities and Social Justice

Professor Saffron Karlsen, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, University of Bristol, UK

Ann Singleton, Associate Professor in Migration Policy, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol, UK


Closing Session

Mr Peter Matejic, Chief Analyst, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

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