The Construction of Household-based Asset Index: Measurement of Economic Disparities in Pakistan by using MICS Micro-data

3 July 2023, 1.00 PM - 3 July 2023, 2.30 PM

Dr Tanveer Ahmed Naveed

Verdon Smith International Seminar Room, Royal Fort House (First Floor), University of Bristol (access by UCard)

Dr. Naveed will talk on the construction of a valid and reliable asset index at household level. He will be discussing how an asset index may be a better measure than current income or expenditures for gauging a household’s long-term capacity for buying goods and services and its potential resilience to economic shocks. He will also provide details of the results from Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Tetrachoric Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for the dimensional structure of assets. Further, the application of Classical Test Theory (CTT), and Item Response Theory (IRT) in order to construct a reliable household level asset index is also part of the talk. He will also introduce the methods to measure asset disparities e.g., Gini-coefficient index and the Palma ratio. He will share the results of asset disparities among 36 districts of Punjab-Pakistan. 

This seminar will also be available to access online via this Zoom Link.
Meeting ID: 939 3265 6105
Passcode: asset 

Contact information

If you have any queries please contact:

Dr Tanveer Ahmed Naveed

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