Poverty and Social Justice in a Digital Future: Digital Inequalities and the Impacts of A.I. on Poverty

30 November 2023, 1.15 PM - 30 November 2023, 5.30 PM

Room 4.10, School of Graduate Education, 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol

Poverty and Social Justice in a Digital Future 

Join the Bristol Poverty Institute (BPI) for this engaging afternoon of discussions with a range of experts from across the University exploring topics around social justice, digital/tech developments, and poverty. 

This internal workshop will consist of two thematic sessions, with a networking break in-between to expand on discussions over refreshments. 

  • Digital inequalities: resistance and participation 

  • The impacts of A.I. on poverty 

Each session will kick-off with a series of short provocations from our speakers. We’re hoping to attract people from all across the University to have an interdisciplinary discussion and to be exposed to different perspectives, methodologies and approaches.  

The aim of this event is to build up internal awareness and offer researchers from different communities to identify synergies, with a view to being better placed to collaborate in response to future funding calls and to situate considerations of poverty and social justice within the mindsets of researchers working in the digital space for these future bids.  

We’re not only encouraging attendance from those whose work is already applied or relevant to aspects of poverty, but also researchers whose work does not currently have any explicit link but could potentially be of relevance to tackling and reducing poverty and inequalities (even if it is a couple of steps removed – other colleagues may be able to bridge that gap).

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