Disability, Poverty and COVID-19 in the UK

21 July 2022, 1.30 PM - 21 July 2022, 3.00 PM


Join us and our fantastic speakers to explore the intersections between disability, poverty and COVID-19 in the UK.

This summer the Bristol Poverty Institute (BPI) are hosting a webinar exploring how the pandemic has impacted on people with disabilities (both physical and intellectual), including the disproportionate nature of this impact, and how this intersects with dimensions of poverty. This webinar will explore how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted on existing inequalities as well as potentially exposing new risks and challenges for disabled persons in the UK, with a potential second webinar expanding the discussion to a global scale. Registration is free via Eventbrite.

This webinar has been rescheduled due to unforeseen circumstances - we hope all original attendees are able to join us for the new date! If not, we will be recording the webinar to share via our website in due course.

Our fantastic panel of speakers brings together experts from academia and the charity sector

Following the presentations there will be an opportunity for Q&A with the panellists, and we will have live BSL interpreters throughout the webinar. This webinar is open to anyone to attend.

Please register early to avoid disappointment – we are expecting this to be a popular event! If you have any queries, please contact bristol-poverty-institute@bristol.ac.uk.

The full registration link is: https://disability-poverty-and-covid-19.eventbrite.co.uk

This webinar is part of the BPI’s Poverty Dimensions of COVID-19 series which aims to bring together a variety of participants representing different sectors, with a range of theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary approaches. We recognise that different professional, academic, and civic communities will have access to different sources of information, datasets, and tools for analysis, and may also have different immediate priorities. We are, however, all driven by the ultimate aim of reducing the negative impacts of this global pandemic on all aspects of society, and particularly on those communities and individuals who are already experiencing disadvantages. By bringing together a range of perspectives we seek to improve our understanding of the poverty dimensions of this pandemic, and by extension our ability to influence policy and practice in order to mitigate its negative impacts.

We hope you can join us!

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